Part 3

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Druid Endeavors

Adjusting to life without two of my bruvers was hard....

I mean, I basically just watched myself die but in the form of a Saiyan, oh right, as if it wasn't bloody obvious, Daisuke is a Saiyan variant of me, while Leo, whom left, and Shaldon are an alien lion and Nightborne variant of me.

I've experienced death before, I felt null yet with a purpose to return to my body, too bad something similar didn't happen to Daisuke after Selina killed him accidentally.

I'm not even sure where his body went after things were restored.

Anyways, weeks have past, a majority of Team Azure were doing their own things or we occasionally banded together to stop crime.

Valentina was our leader, not the first time, I mean-

"Watch out pup!"


An infernal demon tried to swing at me, I immediately entered my Phantom Mode and turned intangible.


A lot of bloody good that did, I was sent flying into a tree.

My Druid mentor, Syllvir wasn't bloody impressed as he snarled with his typical Worgen demeanor, "If you used your Barkskin spell instead of going intangible maybe that wouldn't have hurt you as much!"

He healed my wounds, and I got up, "Yeah yeah.... I get it, I just haven't been on my A game lately."

A ton of other druids were helping us repel a Legion invasion in Val'sharah, the Nightmare may be over, but the demons of the Burning Legion continue to attack these lands.

Back on track, Syllvir dropped his anger, "That's no excuse to be sloppy, focus on what's going on now, not the past..."

A Felguard attempted to cut down Syllvir, but he entered his Cat Form at once and slashed it in two, "I doubt that'll permanently kill you, but for now, it'll do."

I was confused at his words, "What do you mean, master?"

"If a demon isn't by the Twisting Nether, then they'll resurrect in quite some time"

Charging my aura, I raised my paws together and unleashed my ultimate move, "HADO FIRE!"

A wave of green energy surrounded a line of demons, causing them to turn to ash.



What the bloody hell?!

"PIT LORD INCOMING!" a Night Elf Druid announced.

Syllvir and I got in our fighting positions, I exited my Phantom Mode and raised my claws I use for my Feral and Guardian moves.

The Pit Lord exited the portal and started to rain fel over some Druids, Syllvir included, knocking them out!

Rushing to heal the other Druids, I started casting Regrowth, only to get interrupted by the Pit Lord, "Bollocks!"

I dashed over to the Pit Lord and rake, rip, and ferociously bite it a couple of times, bleck, the taste of demon blood.

The Pit Lord screamed in pain as it knocked me back, it then started to raise it's weapon in a frontal cone.

Oh no! I immediately jumped behind it and pounced on it despite it's large size, stunning it.

"Ha! Bloody idiot! You know I can tell when you're casting something like that right?"

I closed my eyes and was locked onto the Pit Lord's aura as it tried swinging it's weapon at me.

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