Part 5

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Fated Epilogue

Many feelings went unsaid after what happened throughout the multiverse, but everyone's day, was just about over.

On Planet Vol'dun, Daisuke was still having a match with Jasper, Morgan watched them.



Jasper fell to the ground, defeated.

"That's 11 to 10, Lord Jasper, I win" Daisuke snickered.

The black fur Vulpera was rolling his eyes, "Fine, you win, Morgan, can you restore his life now?"

His white counterpart just giggled, "Don't bite off more than you can chew Lord Jasper, here you go Daisuke, as promised."

She raised her staff toward the Saiyan, a blue glow enveloped him and the halo above his head was gone.

The tenderness of being physical, it filled Daisuke with joy.

"Thanks Morgan!"

Jasper walked over by Daisuke, looking up top at him due to their major size difference, "So, now that you have your life back, do you plan on returning to New Suramar?"

The thrill of the fight motivated Daisuke, "Are you kidding? I want to battle you some more! Battling others not from my reality is exciting! My team can wait, Let's go!"

Jasper was elated as well, "As you wish, Saiyan!"


The two charged at one another, battling to their hearts desired.

Elsewhere and later, in New Suramar, what remained of Team Azure was outside of Azure Tower by the Court of Stars, Hado, Trixie, and Valentina were bored playing Poodlewolf.


"No luck.... Leone isn't going back... and Daisuke... we don't know", Shaldon returned, with an unconscious Selina, disappointment swayed the area.

Valentina stood up confidently, "Then we have to prove we are still setting an example for all of reality, doesn't matter what our size is, we'll always be Team Azure, a family..."

And so, Team Azure kept their chins up and decided to fight for the greater good as always, not realizing their leader may come back sooner than expected, for he looked at them from afar, in the shadows, happy in their persistence.

Finally, in Italy, Leone was out with Ruby, the two were eating at an Italian restaurant, but doom hovered over them from afar from a crystal ball.

"So, the Cosmic Creature is alive?"

"Roar roar roar...."

"And the shard of Cosmicite wasn't enough because of that elf and... goth girl?"

"Roar roar...."

"That's not an excuse, you could have targeted his vitals!"

PBAM! KCHUK! The demon exploded into a pile of gore.

"You'll be fine, Corrupt Deities like us regenerate so long as our passion is intact... Speaking of regeneration..."

The shadowy assailant stalking Ruby and Leone from a red orb began charging up some dark energy, as he began his spell he thought, "Cosmicite... The last fragments of Leone's home world, if it comes in contact with him, he'll be weakened greatly."



Coming out from a blood portal was a familiar individual, Warren, the psychic vampire that killed Hado before and reincarnated to kill Leone only to fail, "Tch... at least my beauty is intact, and whom might you be?"

"Travesty, Travesty is the name, you no longer work for Acheron now, in fact." The black and red haired goth individual raised his hands.

KCHUK! Warren gasped from being impaled with some strings, "You're my puppet now... Now, adoptive brother, lets avenge Acheron and break him out of his death loop!"

To be continued...

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