get to know your author (king)

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So yeah after so long ago I wanted to start writing this cuz you know a book would keep you down to earth and everyone doubts I'm from earth cuz I learned to say everything that comes to my mind so we could be talking about politics and i would say " do you think tomatoes are fruits or vegetables which i believe there fruits because they have seeds but everyone classifies it as a vegetables but now that i wonder where would the vegetables come from if they don't have seeds like how on earth do u grow celery case no matter how much i try i can't find a seed but thats beside the point and the point is i am fabulous and you should know about my life. (jk but seriously you won't understand my life if you don't understand me.


so things you should now about me.....

My favorite color is blue which explains why my favorite soda is Pepsi which can get me so hyper to the point that I barely understand what I think or say

My quote should be

"Pepsi should be classified as I drug cuz it got a huge effect on me" so if your trying to flirt with some one replace Pepsi with their name.

i believe that pepsi should include warnings.

So I would no longer know what I do and start laughing at everything like you could say the most serious thing with a serious face and with no emotion what so ever and I would make it funny bye saying you sound like an old person reporting things people don't actually care about till it affects someone they hold dearest to their heart. *weeps silently in a corner and laughs when she realizes that she needs to find mario (because he is a plumber) to fix the leak in his eyes and realizes he is in the castle and has to fix his eyes himself sending him all over the world till he realizes he has stopped crying,

So yes this got serious and when I retread it I laughed again till i cried so on to freinds
I will mention no names
Book worm
The over obsessed book worm

onto my personal life: i am rich have no friends hate pepsi and am a lazy person






















































jk I'm actually the opposite so have fun and if this book bores you then I'm sorry but just remember some jokes are mine and others are found on the world wide web which is not a spider home but if it was then spiders would be the best gossipers.

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