Part 1

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South Park Elementary - Mr. Garrison's Classroom

It was Monday morning, and in the classroom of the former United States president, Mr. Garrison stood in front of his class with news to share.

Mr. Garrison: "Alright class settle down! We have a new student joining us today, so please give a warm South Park welcome to Y/N!"

A charming boy with slicked back hair and a F/C suit would enter the room with his hands in his pocket.

Mr. Garrison: "Alright Y/N the only desk we have open is between Wendy and Red, so I hope you don't mind sitting there"

Mr. Garrison said, referring to the only empty desk in the classroom which was indeed between Wendy Testaburger and Red McArthur.

Y/N: "I don't mind at all teach"

Y/N said, as he made his way towards his seat with a confident smile on his face. Upon sitting down, Y/N would look at both Wendy and Red, as he flashed them a charming smile.

Y/N: "Ladies"

He greeted causing both Wendy and Red to start blushing. With the new kid now settled in, Mr. garrison went on to teach the lesson for today.

South Park Elementary - Cafeteria

It was now lunchtime, as the voices of students filled the cafeteria. Sitting at a table was Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, and Red McArthur.

Wendy: "Girls we have to talk about the new kid. He's absolutely charming"

Bebe: "You can say that again. You two are so lucky that he gets to sit next to you in class"

Red: "He's definitely caught my attention. I've never met a boy who's been able to make me blush like he did"

Wendy: "Well girls I was thinking why don't we introduce ourselves to him? Since he's new I'm sure he could use some new friends, and it could give us a chance to get to know him better"

Bebe: "That's a good idea Wendy"

The girls would go on to make a plan to approach the new kid at recess, and introduce themselves to him.

South Park Elementary - Playground

It was now recess, and currently standing near the monkey bars was Wendy, Bebe, and Red, as they observed the new kid from afar. Watching him read a book and eat an apple while sirting aginst the school building.

Wendy: "There he is girls"

Wendy said, as she, Bebe, and Red made their way towards Y/N with friendly smiles on their faces. Suddenly, a football would come falling from the sky, hitting Wendy in the face causing her to fall to the ground.

Bebe: "Wendy!"

Bebe shouted, as a worried look formed on both her and Red's faces.

Stan: "Oh my god! Wendy! Are you okay?"

Stan asked, as he rushed over with a concerned look on his face.

Wendy: "I'm fine"

Wendy said clutching her nose, as Bebe and Red helped her to her feet.

Cartman: "Oops! My bad Wendy! Looks like my throw was a little off!"

Cartman said, as he arrived at the scene with a large smirk on his face

Wendy: "You did that on purpose"

Wendy accused.

Cartman: "You bet your sweet ass I did!"

The New Kid (Male Reader x South Park Harem)Where stories live. Discover now