Part 4

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South Park Elementary - Gymnasium

The students of South Park Elementary sit in the gymnasium, as PC Principal comes into view with a microphone in hand. At his side is vice principal Strong Woman and counselor Mackey.

PC Principal: "Alright listen up Students! As you know we'll be having a school dance this week, and the student council has decided that the theme will be Halloween. We look forward to seeing you all in your spooky and creative costumes"

PC Principal announced to the students in a calm manner before raising his voice when discussing the rules for Halloween costumes.

A/N: Stop at 0:33

South Park Elementary - Cafeteria

Wendy, Bebe, and Red sit together at their usual lunch table, trays of food in front of them. The chatter of other students surrounds them.

Bebe: "So have you two figured out who you're asking to the dance?"

Bebe asked with excitement in her voice.

Red: "Yeah, I've got someone in mind"

Red said with a smile, as she turned to look at a table where the new kid could be seen sitting alone, eating an apple and reading a book.

Wendy: "I don't know if I'm even going"

Bebe: "Come on Wendy! You can't skip the dance. It's supposed to be fun!"

Red: "Yeah, and besides, you and the rest of the student council have been working really hard planning this dance"

Wendy glances at Bebe and Red, her expression troubled.

Wendy: "Sigh... I just... After everything that happened with Stan, I don't know if I'm up for it"

Red: "Wendy you can't let one boy ruin everything. We'll have a great time at the dance"

Bebe: "And who knows? Maybe there's someone new you'd like to ask?"

Wendy: "Maybe. There is one boy I could probably ask"

Bebe: "Really? Who?"

Wendy: "The new kid, Y/N"

Both Bebe and Red would fall into complete silence.

Wendy: "Is something wrong?"

Wendy asked, her friends' sudden silence making her a bit uncomfortable.

Red: "That's going to be a problem..."

Wendy: "Why's that?"

Red: "I was planning to ask the new kid out to the dance"

Bebe: "What?!? I was planning on asking him to the dance too!"

Wendy: "You're kidding, right? Both of you want to ask him to the dance?"

Red: "I didn't know Bebe was planning to ask the new kid to the dance. I thought she was going to ask Clyde or some other boy. And I was sure you were going to go with Stan"

Wendy: "Sigh... That was the plan"

Red: "I'm sorry Wendy. It's just... He's new, and well..."

Bebe: "... He's cute"

An awkward silence falls over the table as the three friends realize they all have their sights set on the same guy for the dance.

Wendy: "It's alright girls... You two can figure out who goes to the dance with the new kid... I'll just stay home"

The New Kid (Male Reader x South Park Harem)Where stories live. Discover now