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The darkness fills the sky as the sun completely died in the embrace of the ocean,there was no moon in the sky making it more dark than it already was , the pain in his heart was growing more as he reaches to the hospital were his husband was admitted

"Jeon Junkook, did anyone admitted here by this name" he asked in hurry like a mad man the Receptionist gives him a scared look as he looked at him as his face which was red due to crying and his voice was raspy

"Yes they took him to the ICU his family is already there at fifteen floor" the Receptionist tolds him he tanks her and ran to the elevator which was on 21st floor, seokjin's anxiety was increasing second by second he looks at the stairs and ran towards the stairs , ignoring the presence of the tall man behind him who was hurt to see him like this but he has no choice but to look at seokjin's vulnerable state

"You came late ...." A female voice makes him look at the back he smirked looking at her and come inside the elevator along with her

"The plan was as smooth as butter no one will be able to stop you now " the girl said and the man smiles and puts his hands inside his pant pocket flipping his long coat , the girl took out a pen drive and give it to him

"The last thorn of my way is cleared now the way to the throne is easy for me to have the crown of the underworld " the man said as he put the pendrive in his pocket the girl smirked looking at the handsome face of the Russian man

"Tsar you know what Jeon Junkook never cared how many thorns he had in his way to his throne and he never will cause he is the king without any crown on his head, you better do fast whatever you are doing cause once the king will rise the crown will be kissing his feet itself " the girl said to the man who gritted his teeth looking at the confidence the girl has about the man he wants to end , the elevator opens they both looked infront of them changing their emotions

"NO you can't see him you bitch " Mrs Jeon shouts at seokjin and pushes him hard but Namjoon catches him before falling on the floor, Mrs Jeon looked away but her expression changes when she sees a familiar man standing infront of her she goes towards him and hugs him

"Tsar look what has happened to Junkook my son " the man was looking at seokjin who was looking at the ICU ward with tears in his eyes and folded hands leaning towards his brother's embrace, Tsar wraps his hands around Mrs Jeon's shoulders who brokes in his arms

"Мама, я причина, по которой твой сын здесь" Tsar said to Mrs Jeon who looked at him with shock she takes few steps back looking at Tsar who pout mockingly making a sad face

"HYUNG...." Tsar looked at the direction where the voice came Taehyung and Namjoon were shouting seokjin's name as the tired man passed out from exhaustment poor seokjin has climbed up to the stairs of fifteen floors, Tsar follows the Kim brothers as they took seokjin to a medical word leaving a shocked Mrs Jeon behind him

"Doctor please check on him fainted we..we don't know how" Taehyung said with worry as Namjoon laid seokjin on the medical ward bed the doctor told them to relax as he checked seokjin, Namjoon frowns his brows together as he sees a familiar figure outside the room

"Tae look after hyung I will be back soon , call me if something happens" Namjoon said as he rushed out not wanting to miss the person he saw few moments ago , he looks at the here and there and finally found the person sitting infront of the gynecologist's ward with teary eyes and shaking legs

"Son-yah ...." Namjoon said softly as he sees the man infront of him after long time he runs infront of him the man looks up at Namjoon with tears his cheeks were red due to crying he stands up and slaps Namjoon hard on his face everyone in the hospital looked at them

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