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The Jeon's mansion was still the same glowing in the lights and the Hustle and bustle of the servants as Junkook and seokjin entered in the mansion but being beside his husband seokjin was feeling new as if it was the first time he entered in the mansion, seokjin grabs junkook's hands tightly as remembered how much he once hated this mansion

"Let's go to our room you must be tired...." Junkook said to seokjin who looked at him and just followed him silently, Junkook told the head maid to bring their dinner to the master's room

"I don't understand what's going on, why Tsar did this, why nobody informed me about your well being  and Namjoon is going to be a father, who is the son of Mr Wang" seokjin burst out with questions as they entered in the room , Junkook takes out his long coat and makes seokjin sit on the bed as he sits on the floor between his lap wrapping his hand around his waist , he looked up at seokjin's flushed face

"Exactly it's been one week since I woke up , commissioner Wang wanted to take me to the police station but Namjoon hired a lawyer and talked to him it took three days to complete legal process and they shut down this case cause Yoongi destroyed the proofs given to commissioner Wang and now I am innocencet " Junkook said and seokjin was shocked to hear that , it's been a week and no one told him that his husband was out of the coma , Junkook takes seokjin's hands his his gloved hands and squeeze them

"It was all a plan to protect you and believe me it was hard for me too , and about Namjoon's partner I think it would be much better to listen from him " Junkook said to seokjin as he wipes his tears , the maid enters with Serving food trolley which was decorated with fried chicken rice, soup and salads with jar of juice but the little bottle of banana milk shake caught seokjin's attention all of a sudden seokjin wants to taste it so he does, he takes the little bottle and gulps down the sweet liquid as Junkook watches him in amusement

"I thought I am the only one who likes this but glad to know that you liked this too , let's dig in " Junkook said as he sits on the sofa taking seokjin beside him as the maid served them the dinner Junkook feeds seokjin, seokjin's thought were all messed up there are many things he wanted to talk about to Junkook but the most important was his pregnancy how will Junkook react how will seokjin told him that he is three months pregnant now , when Junkook was in coma and seokjin come to live in Penthouse his morning sickness and dizziness forced him to take a doctor's appointment from where he get to know he was carrying the heir of Jeon Junkook which made seokjin surprised and happy,but what about Junkook will he be happy?

"There we go finished, lemme have a quick shower okay" Junkook said as he stands up taking out his coat and waist coat seokjin lazily stands up and hugs Junkook who was about to take off his black shirt, Junkook turns around only hugged again by seokjin strangely seokjin wants Junkook to hold him

"My moon are you not gonna let me see your face" Junkook said his deep voice makes seokjin blush he looks up from his husband's chest only to be kissed by him with full of passion seokjin moans when Junkook snakes his big firm hands around his slender body squeezing his ass lifting him up by grabbing his ass cheeks Junkook enters in seokjin's mouth as he was moaning softly he lefts his lips swelling and red only to attached his mouth to seokjin's neck collar bone and then shoulders he sits on the bed with seokjin on his lap

"Ahh...hhgng....jun....junkook .." seokjin moans when Junkook finds his sweet spot on his neck making a dark hickey on his neck seokjin removes junkook's shirt and unbuckle his belt Junkook flips him making seokjin lay on bed he takes out his belt and smirked looking at seokjin's flushed face,swelling lips and teardipped long eye lashes with shiny almond eyes his lips were tempting to Junkook a sin created by God so plump pink and glossy only for him

"Fuck my moon you are a sin ... fuck" Junkook unzips his pants taking out his monstrous cock out seokjin gasps when Junkook grabs his head and takes his veiny mashroom head cock infront of his plump glossy lips seokjin looks up at Junkook with his beautiful glossy eyes making Junkook curse under his breath seokjin was looking so innocent that he wanted to ruin him

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