Chapter 1

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP* my alarm clock wouldn't shut off. I slammed my hand down on top of it and it stopped. "Ugh." I moaned. I hated waking up so god damn early for school. I got out of bed and started getting ready for school. I got on some clothes, did my makeup and hair, and i put on some shoes before heading out the door. Today was the last day of school, thank god. I walked into the school doors and headed straight for my locker. As i walked, i noticed a tall guy with dark hair and blue eyes staring at me, as if he were trying to see something in my eyes. I recognized him. He was in my class, his name was Max. I looked away, a little weirded out. I got to my locker and noticed that he was staring at me from a distance. I walked up to him and said, "Okay, look, do you have some kinda staring problem, or?" He had a blank expression as he said, "No, I just couldn't stop looking at those beautiful eyes of yours." I glanced down, a little embarrassed for yelling at him. "Well.." I said, looking back up at him. "You're very sweet. I have to get to class." "I'll walk you there." he said. "Well...okay." I said, walking beside him. When we got to class, I looked at the chalkboard. On it, I saw the words "Sarah is a slut." written in big letters. I looked at Max, and he was laughing. "Gotchya" he said while laughing so hard his face turned red. Everyone in my class, except for a select few, were laughing. Tears started streaming down my cheeks and I quickly walked out of the classroom and went to one of the bathroom stalls. I sobbed and tried to gather my strength so I can go back. Ten minutes passed and I felt okay enough to go back. I entered the classroom again. "Ah, miss Sarah, there you are. And why are we late?" I sat in my desk, realizing that the ugly message had been erased. "I had to get something from my locker." I answered back. I couldn't wait for this day to be over already. At least during summer, I wouldn't have to deal with the stress of school AND people bullying me.

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