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Y/n Èiendrè (you) has lived her whole life in France, and she never really thought of going elsewhere. She had everything she needed, she was surrounded by good people, loving friends and family and pretty well known. She basically had a great life, but as her Mom got a new job, there were new changes that turned her world.

Though it was all new, she couldn't do anything about it. She knew her Mom loved what she was doing and only wanted to support her, and that left her with no choice but to follow her Mother and Father's plans.

In the making, she had a new life ahead of her. Causing her to learn and know more about the new place they were going to stay. She was alone, in a big school, not knowing how to communicate.

P. S : everything will be in English except for Y/n and her parents lines in the earlier chapters. Do keep in mind, Y/n is monolingual (she only speaks one language). But for her pov, I want you guys to imagine that it's told in french though it's written in English. Not to worry, I will also put a translation right below their lines:D


Welcome my lovelies! It's been awhile hasn't it? I missed spending hours reading and writing here:'(

I do hope I get to release these books at some point, and finally finish all that I started.

But right now, I probably need to stop writing and starting more books, I still have lots to finish haha! Anyways, there will be some info about Y/n below:)

I know you guys will have lots of questions, but I promise It'll make sense in the actual chapters (I hope🥲)

And I know you're probably questioning, doesn't Y/n's previous school teach English? Yes they do but I'm making Y/n the type that they do know about it, but never really practice speaking the actual language.

So yes, she does know some terms but not completely:),

And I know you guys would wonder later on how Y/n got into Hogwarts and such, because she only studied in a ordinary school for her earlier years and blah blah, but it'll be explained in a chapter or so, so don't worry, and keep on reading:p

That's pretty much it, I hope I do end up finishing this book and finally upload! I'll see you guys soon if I ever upload this🥲

Update : I finished this book by 08/16/23, I'm really happy I got to and didn't get writer's block and I'm now editing chapters. I hope to hear your thoughts very soon lovelies:)

P. S : making final adjustments (08/17/23). Tbh this book was hard to write, as a few chapters had contained french and I only started learning it.

And also getting help from a translator for harder lines and placing them after the word count I write in each chapter. It was not the easiest, but nonetheless, I'm proud of it. I hope you guys like it:)

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