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Season six, episode 24.
"Missing presumed single"

TODAY, THERE HAPPENED TO BE A VERY SPECIAL EVENT HAPPENING. It was the day that Mike was getting married. Everyone had gotten their invitations months beforehand and they were all very happy for him and Fiona. He'd looked after them for so long, all from young ages, he deserved his own ending. They got theirs, he should have one too.

This morning , Indigo had woken up extra early just so she could get ready without worrying about being late and so she could have enough time to do her daily routine. It's been a while since she, Tee and Carmen moved out of Ashdene to be in university. She loved every second of it... apart for the many homework tasks they'd gotten. She loves being in her design course, she also chose to do Music & photography. Of course, English along with maths were compulsory depending on what grade you got during GSCE's. She was one of those lucky people who got mostly 9's  (A +'s). She liked writing, When she told Mari and Sapphire about the news, they both were extremely happy for her. She's never heard anyone cheer so loudly as they did before. She was certain her hearing nearly disappeared for a bit (she could still hear perfectly fine). At least during the break she could just relax, focus on her projects she's been working on.

Once she were finished getting dressed in her short sleeved pink dress with a hint of black stripes, Indigo picked up her tote bag which had a covering over it to prevent strangers going into it and walked out of her bedroom, adjusting the hems of her outfit. (Yes, she did sew it. She's getting a lot better at knitting as well as crocheting).She'd done her hair in waves making it look extra curly, only applied a bit of make up though it wasn't too much. She heard sounds of a television playing from the open spaced living room\kitchen area. She guessed one of the girls had been awake for hours - but, judging by what she saw on the screen when walking in, she easily knew Carmen was watching a fashion station. "Morning Carms" she greeted her. "What?" shouted the other young adult thus she turned around to face her. "Oh, hi Indi" she greeted back within a cheery tone. "Where's Tee?" she asked her noticing she wasn't there, now going to their fridge.

"I dunno. She must still be asleep" Carmen told Indigo when she glanced back at the telly. She wore a skater dress, mostly in a beige colour. "Probably. " Indigo also assumed whilst she reached for a box of pop tarts followed by the milk carton. "Where you going?" she asked next, taking notice of her outfit. They usually weren't awake until ten since they didn't have any classes this month. "Hello, Mike's wedding? have you forgotten?" she informed her. "Ooh, that's today isn't it? I can't wait!" she said within excitement.

"How did you forget? it's literally marked on the calendar" Sassily responded Indigo as she took out her breakfast from the toaster.

Carmen simply laughed at her reaction, changing channels on their tv. "I didn't, I was just kidding. So, have any of your boyfriends been in touch yet?" she randomly asked her causing her to choke on air. "Sorry, what? I ain't seeing anyone" Indigo argued within defence, taking a sip of her glass of milk. She jokingly rolled her eyes before saying "Y'know,  Xavier " she reminded her as if it were obvious. She gave her a blank stare now having a bite of her pop tart. "First of all, ew. Secondly,I'm not dating him' they're just mates. And thirdly, you really need to "

"Hey, I'm just looking out for you, Indi. You deserve someone amazing in your life," Carmen said playfully, nudging Indigo's shoulder when moving from the sofa. "Besides, it's been a while since you went on a first date. 

Indigo chuckled, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "Well, when the right person comes along, I'll know. Until then, I'm perfectly happy being single and hanging out with you guys." she replied to Carmen, even though she knew she was right. She was just waiting until she felt comfortable with the person she trusted, dating apps weren't her thing. She then started to twirl her promise ring, she hadn't taken it off since the day Xavier gave it to her; she only took it off whenever it was needed. She should probably get a necklace for it. That way she wouldn't loose it.

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