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Soriah felt Kai squeeze her hand gently, rubbing his thumb against her small hand. She fixed her crossed legs, looking up at the preacher who was going on about love.

And about how Amaya specifically loving everyone.

Kai wanted to laugh the whole ceremony, he already felt weird being here since he and Duke were the reason the funeral was even happening but he knew he had to be there for Soriah.

She had her head laid on his chest, and he could feel every sniffle and body movement that she made.

These past two months, it had been hard for him to watch her go through this all. Sometimes he didn't even know if he made the right decision.

—But what he did was done now and it wasn't no going back.

"And like I said God makes no mistakes!" the preacher spoke.

"Amaya was a wonderful girl. She worked hard, and she fought for the people she loved" Kai let out a small laugh hearing the pastor speak but quickly played it off by rubbing his nose.

"Amen," the church said.

Kai looked around the large church. The only people in here who probably truly cared for Amaya were Soriah and Amaya's parents. That was it.

If Mari would've showed up then I guess he would be able to count her as well, but she didn't. The reason was unknown to Kai and he didn't care.

But considering that Teek had been "missing" for some weeks now and that Mari was his sister, he figured that she wouldn't show up.

The service went on for a whole other thirty minutes. Soriah found herself at the burial site, watching as they buried Amaya.

Kai stood behind her awkwardly, not that she noticed but that's just how he felt. He had lost a friend before and so he knew exactly how she felt at the moment.

The only difference was that he took Soriah's friend away from her. He had thought about it every day and night for the last two months. —But Seeing her cry about someone who could care less about her, hurt him the most.

"y'all good ?" Kai heard, causing him to turn around to see Duke. Kai nodded his head before looking back at Soriah who nodded her head shortly after.

"yea, I'm fine. let's go." Soria turned around emotionless. He expected her to have tears in her eyes but she couldn't and wasn't going to cry any longer.


Kai opened his front door, stepping aside and letting Soriah walk in first. Once she was in, he stepped in closing the door behind him.

She kicked her heels off at the front door, along with many of her other shoes

"you good ?" he asked throwing his keys down before taking his shoes off neatly at the door.

"mhm," she mumbled along with a head nod. Kai watched her as she sat down on the couch, completely avoiding the eye contact he was tryna make with her.

he walked over and sat down right beside her, lying his hand on her thigh "You wanna talk or um" he cleared his throat.

He wasn't the best at the whole consoling her yet. he tried his best and she knew that, and  Soriah was better with her feelings than he was.

—And usually, she was the one helping him with his emotions and thoughts. So now it was his turn and from his point of view, he didn't feel like he was doing the best. but she knew he was trying, so in her eyes, it wasn't much more he could do.

"no not really," she said, before laying up against his chest.

The two stay quiet while Soriah pulled out her phone and started to look through her socials, and since Kai was sitting behind her he was also looking at her socials.

He watched her scroll and scroll until he realized a pattern in all the posts she was passing by. most of the posts were about Amaya, some were nice posts and others weren't so much.

The more Soriah scrolled the more posts appeared with Amaya's face on it. Kai could hear Soriah sighing as time went on.

"stop" he mumbled before taking her phone from her. She gave him a confused look, "you need to be looking at that" he answered.

"ok, Dad." she sarcastically spoke.


"never knew I could be so bloated" Soriah looked in the mirror at her belly.

Kai put down his empty plate of  Wingstop and hopped up out the bed, "it's probably baby weight ma"

He said but immediately regretted it once he felt a pillow come in contact with his face. "shut the hell up."

"Alright," he simply said. "you ain't have to throw the pillow at me though."

"yes, I did. didn't I tell you that's not happening right now?" She tilted her head

"you probably did but that's on you" he shrugged. "But  when Kai Jr gets here don't worry" he smiled causing her to roll her eyes.

"We got so many more steps till we get to kids," she said.

"yea, marriage— and as far as I know that's only one step." he shrugged, "and we would go do that today if it was up to me and me only." she smiled

"but still I would have to move in—" she started but didn't finish because she heard the sound of Kai sucking his teeth in.

"move in ?" he asked not expecting an answer back but she nodded her head anyways.

"all your shit is here already." He spoke in a confusing tone, while she laid down on the bed beside him.

"yea but I don't live here" she laughed under her breath while turning on the tv that was already on the news channel.

"Soriah you barely go home," he said while comfortably rolling over and laying directly on top of her.

"I know but I still don't live here kai" she shook her head.

"So come live here then" he confidently said before laying his head on her chest.

"um uh"

"why are you hesitating? youn gotta say yes right now, but you might as well, not like you not here all the time anyways" he said right before he closed his eyes.

She sat there only for a moment until she started to reply only to realize that Kai was now snoring. "we were just talking—nvm" she mumbled.

she shook her head before she focused her attention on the tv. She realized that it was on the news channel which immediately made her look for the remote but since Kai was sleeping on top of her she couldn't go very far.

"welp," she mumbled as she looked directly at the remote that was across the room, on the dresser.

"BREAKING NEWS. A 24-year-old male was found near Richmond Parkway shot and killed. Police say they were investigating a similar case to this one, only to find the body of the now victim"

Soriah turned her eyes to focus on the tv as she was now interested only due to her being nosy.

"However police say that the victim was shot over a month ago. They say it took them almost A WEEK to identify the victim, only for them to come to the conclusion that it was 24-year-old TEIR WILLAMS."

"better known as TEEK" Teek's picture appeared on the large television screen.




the way y'all be so surprised in the comments and i be sitting here thinking that y'all gone predict it before i even finish writing.

oh and i know y'all don't like teek, but the nigga dead now and still in the story line. but now it's just dead teek 😛

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