Part 12

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"Ok.... What the actually hell?!" Priya stormed in the office room, where Krish looked at bewildered. "What did Ram do now?" he asked, She looked at him confused, "Ram ne kya kiya?" krish shrugged, "That u should say, kyu gusse mei ho? Woh darwaza toot jaayega." Priya rolled her eyes, "They are hesitant to accept arjun because I'm a single parent and he's adopted. What kind of a messed up school is that?!" Krish frowned, "Which one is it?" he asked her, "The second and the third, little explorers and big tree. They are like the second best ones apparently, and it's not like they said no, but they were too reluctant to accept him since he doesn't have a father." Krish sighed, relaxing more into his seat, "If they are gonna be like that, then, I don't think they other school will too happy." He spoke, Priya plopped down in her chair with a pout, "This is stupid. So what if I am a single mother, all I am trying to do is educate my son, making sure he has a good life, a normal life. Why do I need a husband for that? I get it, a father's influence is important for the kid, but this is out of my hand. Why am I not enough?" She said, as her voice gradually softens. Krish gets up and gently hugs her, "Priya, I am so sorry. This is so stupid, I wish I could do something to help you in any way." He said. "I agree!" both heard someone speaking out of the blue. Looking at each other with a confused look, they turn around to see the very person behind the voice.

It was normal day for Ram. Thankfully, he didn't see Vedika that morning, so he didn't get to hear any whining or whatever she does. He had a very important meeting though, one he was looking forward for months. The investment meeting with The Gujrals. Sanjay Gujaral was a powerful man, he was very carful with his money, only after a considerate and proper thinking he invests in a company that would be fruitful. Building a whole empire, not just limited nationally but globally, as powerful he is, he is also a private and family man, he loves his wife and his children more than anything and would do anything for them. This meeting will profit Kapoor Urbans massively, briging them to an international scale. All Ram had to do was impress the guy and get the deal. After preparing everything meticulously, Ram thought he had this in his bag, sadly, things didn't go his way. Sanjay Gujaral had a daughter, brought up rich and spoiled was involved with Ram, a year ago. Shweta, he found her in the bar one day weeping because her boyfriend cheated on her, taking sympathy, he bought her a drink, Shweta was immediately mesmerized and continued stalking him, while he never returned her interest. Unfortunately, Ram didn't know that she was his daughter until now. "Mr. Kapoor, Shweta told me everything about you beforehand." Ram squinted his eyes, not truly understanding him. "Shweta?" Mr. Gujaral deadpanned, "My daughter, Shweta." Ram's face paled as her saw her picture when the latter showed him. "Mr. Gujaral, please don't misunderstand me. I do not like your daughter that way, nor have I ever expressed any interest to mislead her. She stalked me, and I was considerate enough not to issue a restraining order. " Ram said hurriedly, "Did you just accuse my daughter of harassment? Mr. Kapoor, I hope you choose you next words carefully!!" Sanjay spoke, his tone was calm but harsh. Ram sighed, cursing himself for getting into this stupid trouble. "Mr. Gujaral, I understand she is your daughter. But I have the right to love who I want regardless of who the other person is. I am sorry I had to reject her. She deserves someone who will really love her." Ram said politely in order not to offend. "What is so wrong with her that you couldn't possibly like her back?" Sanjay asked putting Ram in a uncomfortable spot. "There is nothing wrong with your daughter" he started, 'Lie, your daughter is an absolute spoiled brat, who continued to stalk and seduce even when one said no, basically yeah, she did harass.' He heard the voice, clearing his throat, "I love my wife." He said, then regretting what he said. 'Say what?!' Sanjay looked at him baffled, "you're married? Last I recall you had a divorce." Ram mentally slapped himself for blurting out random nonsense. "Yeah, she is back in town. So we are trying to make things work again. " he spoke. Sanjay looked at him in disbelief. "I'll tell you what, Mr. Kapoor. Why don't you bring bring your wife to dinner at my place, we can talk more. I hope you don't say no." Ram looked around embarrassed. " Sure. I will." He said as his voice shook a bit. "I will be busy for the next three weeks, perhaps after that? I will let my assistant send you a date. I look forward to seeing both you and your wife." Ram nodded as he shook hands with him.

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