Chapter Thirteen - Makeovers

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Juliana's POV 

I don't know how he did it, but Elijah, the amazing cousin he was, was able to convince Uncle Stefano that we should make this sleepover an overnight affair.

So that's why, at 2 in the morning, we were blasting 80's music as we cleaned up the mess we had made from the brownie disaster.

I swear it all happened so fast. One minute, we were simply decorating our own pans of brownies, and then suddenly, boom. Exploding brownies everywhere.

And here's the thing, I didn't even know you could make brownies explode. I mean, they're brownies! Possibly the easiest dessert to make. If they smell done, they probably are. If they smell burnt, they're probably burnt. If they don't smell... You fucked up. But exploding? That's a new one.

I understand why they don't let Justin in the kitchen now. They had someone supervising everything he did, his went in at the same time as ours did, came out at the same time. He put the exact same things inside.

But it all fell apart when it came time for the decorating. I think he was putting icing on when his butter knife went a little too far into the brownies. A small little pop could be heard and then suddenly both Justin, Nonna, me, the counters, cabinets, everything was covered in brownie.

When that kid makes a mess, he makes a mess.

Gotta say, it was fun though. After we got the mess cleaned up, I let Justin help me decorate my pan, and the final product had M&M's melted into the actual batter, white cream cheese icing on top with skittles (per Justin's request) and reeses pieces on top.

I was right to be sceptical about the skittles, because they tasted like shit when eaten with the actual brownies, but if you picked them off it was really good.

Now we were sitting on the couch, eating our personalised brownies with some ice cream, and Uncle Stefano and Aunt Stephanie were telling stories about the boys.

"When Massimo was four, he was in that stage of wanting to do and try everything I did, so when he saw me getting ready for a date night with your uncle he got curious. When I came home, he was passed out in our bed, makeup smeared all over his face, he had one of my dresses put on with his head in the arm hole, and some of my thigh high heels dangling from his legs." Aunt Stephanie laughed as she pulled out her phone and showed me the cutest picture of little Massimo.

"Mom," Massimo groaned. "How do you still have that?" When I looked at Massimo I couldn't help but giggle whenever I looked at him, envisioning him with makeup smeared all over his face.

"Shut up Juliana." He said in a semi threatening voice and that only set me off into a round of giggles that probably made me seem like a lunatic.

"Look what you did." Massimo complained and Aunt Stephanie reached over and pinched his cheek while cooing at him.

"We should put makeup on Massimo." Justin leaned over, whispering into my ear. That made me giggle again, but one thing about Justin is that he is a shit whisperer, so the entire room heard him.

"Absolutely not." Massimo spit, looking at us in disgust.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." I tried and Massimo shook his head.

"Yeah Massi, let them make you into the pretty pink princess you always secretly dreamed of being." Elliot joked and Massimo looked at him horrified.

"I joked about that one time and you will never let me live it down." He growled, and I swear I saw him pouting.

"Wait what?" I asked, confused at what they were talking about.

"I had a prince and princess themed birthday party one year, and Massimo said he would rather be one of the princesses because their dresses were prettier."

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