Chapter 27 - Betrayal

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Jameson's POV

9 years prior

I buzz my lips to the 'Mary had a Little Lamb' tune as I check over my room, making sure everything I need is packed.

I'm learning the trumpet, just like Dad did when he was my age. Zeke's also learning the Trumpet, so he's 'helping' me a lot.

Not really, he just likes acting like he's smarter than me because he's a year older.

Massimo didn't want to play an instrument, so he had to choose a sport. I think he chose football and track.

Something about 'building his muscles  while stay "limber."' And yes. He actually said that.

Massimo gets on my nerves sometimes. I mean, the dude is a few months older than me, and still likes to act like a know-it-all.

Curse me and my November birthday.

"James, are you almost done?" Mom asks, peeking through the doorway. She's got Gino clinging to her leg, and she's holding her already protruding stomach.

She's really not that far along, maybe halfway. With all the throwing up she's been doing I don't know how she hasn't thrown up that baby yet.

"Yeah mom. I really don't want to forget anything." I say, hauling my suitcase off my bed and sitting on the floor next to me.

"You're going to be fine, James. Wouldn't be the first time you've forgotten a pair of your underwear." Mom teases me and I groan.

"But Mama, this is the first time I've ever been allowed to go! I don't want anything to go wrong." I urge. This was the first time Uncle Stef and dad would let me join them on one of their away trips.

Normally I got told that I was "too young" but after Massino and I pestered them for long enough, we even came up with a presentation, about how mature we were, they finally gave in.

Mom just sighs and looks at me with false annoyment.

"I'm not sure what you think you're going to be doing. You're thirteen." I roll my eyes at her statement, sighing. That's not the point. I know exactly what I want to do with my life, and this is just the first step to it.

Besides, I'm sick and tired of having to listen to Zeke brag about getting to go on the 'special trips' with our uncles. If I go, he can't call me a baby anymore. If anyone's the baby it's Jules.

I wonder where she is anyway.

"Are Julie and Uncle Enzo almost back?" I ask mom as I roll my suitcase past her and out the door. Gino leaves mom and starts following me.

He starts trying to tell me that he wants all the details of every little thing that happens, raising his voice when mom interrupts for half a second to tell me that they should be back by now.

For a seven going on eight year old, he sure is chatty. And loud. And annoying.

We make it down the stairs and I let go of my suitcase, running into the living room where I know dad will be.

"I'm ready!" I shout to him, stopping in my tracks when I see a lot of other adults also in the living room.

Dad laughs at my face, and I glare at him, plopping down by his side quickly.

"Ciao, Jameson. Siamo un po' emozionati, vero?" Uncle Stefano teases and I nod bashfully.
(T- A little excited, are we?)

"Un poco." I admit, pinching my fingers together.

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