Chapter 22 - Believe

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Julianna's POV

Today's the day.

I wish it wasn't, but there is no putting it off. I was sitting propped up on my bed, soaking in whatever last moments of peace I could. I absentmindedly ran my fingers through Justin's hair, not being able to focus on the show they had put on.

Justin was laying on my bed with his head on my lap, knee deep in little space. Whatever problem big Justin had with me, little Justin didn't seem to care.

Hunter has also been pretty clingy today. He's laying propped up next to me, holding onto my hand. Neither one of them seems to be able to let go.

But I wasn't complaining.

"When do you think you'll be able to come back?" Hunter whispered. He was trying to not let Justin hear.

"Not for a while." I whisper honestly, turning my head to look at him. He gives me a sad smile.

"Maybe you could go home for a week or two and then come back? Stay here until the summer ends? Or you could come back on breaks. This doesn't have to be the last time you see us." He reached over and wiped at a tear I hadn't noticed had fallen down my cheek.

I think he was meaning to console me, but it sounded like he was also trying to convince himself.

I didn't answer, just let out a huff like breath as I tried to keep the rest of the tears from coming. Hunter said nothing else, just reached over and pulled me so that I was laying against his chest.

"It's okay," He whispered. "Allow yourself to feel what you're feeling."

That was it for me. The door broke. I covered my face with my hands, burrowing into his chest, which subsequently threw Justin onto Hunter's legs as well. Sobs wracked my body, and Hunter wrapped his arms around me. A second later, I felt Justin do the same.

I'm not sure why this is so hard for me. Or even what the worst part is. Having to leave the people I had gotten so close to over the past month, or knowing what's waiting for me when I get home.

"Julie is sad?" he asked and I could feel Hunter nod his head.

"It's okay Julie. We all feel sad sometimes." Justin said, patting my head gently.

"I'm not a dog." I choked out, wiping my tear and snot covered face.

I bet I look lovely right now.

"Julie, happy now?" Justin asked, and I nodded, still laying on Hunter's chest.

"Yeah, Julie is happy now." I whispered. Justin celebrated, then settled back down as he had been before, with his head on my stomach. I started running my fingers through his hair again.

"How's school going?" I asked, trying to fill the silence.

"It's going. Counting down the days until I graduate and can start training."

"So you are going to join the mafia?" It was odd, thinking that Hunter was at that age that he was about ready to make that commitment. Sometimes it felt like he was no older than I was. Then again, we were only 2 years apart in age.

"Yeah. I want to either be a sniper or a hacker. Nothing too 'out in the field' like some of the others."

"Well you've definitely got the smarts for it." I comment with a sleepy chuckle. I'm completely relaxed, something I hadn't been since Justin reminded me that I would be going home soon.

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