Chapter 4

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Masser and Secunda dominated the sky of colourful lights.

Phoenix shuffled, before shooting upwards.

She quickly noted her surroundings. There was a tiny camp, two bedrolls - one under her bottom and another empty one a few metres away from her. A small camp fire lit the area only just.

She also noticed the silent, heavily armoured figure perched on a tree stump.

So that's why there's an empty bedroll.

She also noted that she was still in her armour too, but her helmet was on the side of her bedroll.

Phoenix stood silently, glass boots lightly treading across the dirt and grass - towards Vilkas.


He jumped slightly, before turning around a breathing a unnoticed sigh of relief.

"Oh, it's just you whelp," he rolled his eyes and turned away from her.

"Thanks... for saving me."

Vilkas winced, sending a dirty glare at her. "I had no choice. It was self-defence and I don't think the other Companions would want me to return with a corpse."

So, she'd been awake for half a bloody minute, and already he was being unnecessarily cruel? The angered dragon's blood coursed through her veins, and she only just prevented herself from pinning him on to the ground and strangling him - just a little bit.

"I hate you," she grumbled angrily in the dark, a visible breath escaped her lips into the cold night air.

Vilkas merely ignored her, but she couldn't ignore him. His snide comments, his cruelty, name-calling. She lost control.

The dagger that stayed still in the small scabbard at her hip was now tightly gripped in her right hand. She kicked Vilkas' side with the point of her armoured foot, causing him to fall on to his back.

Phoenix quickly dived on top of him, the dagger threatening to pierce the vein in his throat.

"I... I will!"

"So, it's this again?" Vilkas smirked at her, causing a shiver to go down her spine.

She quickly resumed her angered expression.

Vilkas raised an eyebrow, to accompany his smirk.

Gods, he's attractive.

Wait, what?

Why was it that she had saw a glimpse of attractiveness that she'd never even thought to see in the vile man? She was shaking a little, the dagger wobbling at his neck.

She slapped him.

She could have sliced his throat right then and there, but all she wanted to do was wipe the attractive smirk off his face.

"I'm supposed to going easy during the whelps' first training session, you know," he proceeded to put his legs under her arms, and fling her right off him like she was a dainty little petal.

This only furthered her anger, causing her to shove him - hard.

He stumbled back.

"You want a fight? Well, you'll have one," Vilkas grumbled at her, almost like a beast or something.

Vilkas' eyes were taking on an unusual golden hue - similarly to what she saw the other day. The idea that it would just be a brawl was unspoken, but they both knew with weapons they would both end up in ribbons

She hurled a punch at his jaw, for which he blocked with his arms. He obviously retaliated, and the fight when on for Divines knew how long.

Phoenix was becoming slightly fatigued, her punches and kicks weakening.

"I... can't..."

She felt herself going weak, like she faintly remembered back in the mine. Her head, which she had hit on the floor in the mine earlier, was throbbing.

"Ha! Pathetic whe-"

Vilkas would have finished his cruel taunt, but she collapsed, falling limply into his arms.

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