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TONGUE TIED           15━━   my bloody hands

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━━   my bloody hands

Her eyes looked for something to anxiously stare at. The swooshing trees at the side of the road made her contemplate her doings. What had caused her to follow grief into a place where death stood in the very corner, anxious to greet someone on the other side?

The music humming on the radio could not even help her disguise the fear written across her face. Her fingers nervously traced the walkie as her leg bounced, her heart raced faster than her mind and soon her breaths were stuck in her throat.

She licked her scarred lips, gazing at the two. "Have you seen this thing before?" She asked softly. She attempted to read their expressions. She could tell Steve felt adrenaline coursing through his body, but Robin was as nearly as terrified as Amelia.

Steve cleared his throat. The car ride had been silent. "Never," He replied, fingers tapping on the steering wheel.

Amelia looked over her shoulder. "Robin?"

"I'm thankful I haven't," She nodded. "It's hard to believe this." She continued, "All of this." A weary chuckle escaped her lips. "I mean, a girl with superpowers? Damn, what is she, like, uh, a Russian experiment?" Amelia stiffened.

Steve glared daggers at her through the rearview mirror.

"You're serious about her, Dingus."



Amelia sighed. "I hate this."

"I second that!"

Steve would often steal glances at her. "Look, we're gonna be fine." He assured. "We have the girl who's not a Russian experiment," He gritted his teeth. "But we've done things like this before." He blabbered and Amelia turned wide-eyed. "I mean, we've seen worse things, so... this thing could be anything."

"That's not encouraging, Steve."

He shrugged it off shakily, "I know, I know." He sighed. "Just... don't, okay? We'll be fine, we have this girl, and she'll kill it again, and boom, we'll be scooping ice cream tomorrow." He told himself.

When they approached Starcourt, a blue car sped up to their car. The girl with short messy hair stood beside it, pointing at the driver and firing the gun, but appeared useless. Amelia could barely catch who or what was behind the wheel, but Steve seemed to have. He immediately pushed on the accelerator after cursing profanities under his breath.

Amelia's eyes were sealed shut. She could feel grief holding her with a tight grip as they neared the blue car. "Hold on tight!" Steve yelled. She didn't dare peek at the scene unfolding but was aware of the damage done when her body jolted forward and her head collided against the console. They collided with the other car, but while Amelia attempted to suck that in, the screeching of the brakes echoed across the empty parking lot.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now