Chapter 9: Training

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Will Grimm, (Y/n) and Winter stood just outside the hut, and Grimm had (Y/n) and Winter stand on top of two boulders and try to balance.

"People think you can't be tall if you're short. That you can't be strong if you're not."


(Y/n) and Winter each held a sword as two of the dwarves practiced with them.

"But a weakness is only a weakness if you think it is."


Chuck held up a slingshot and fired it at one of three clay pots sitting on tree stumps. His shot hit the pot and shattered it completely while Winter and (Y/n) watched him.


Grub sat at a table across from (Y/n) and Winter and placed a small cherry underneath one of three cups. He then mixed the cups around.

"Never, under any circumstances, give up the high ground."

(Y/n) uncertainly pointed to one of the cups, and Grub lifted it up, showing her she was wrong.


Winter and (Y/n) sword fought with Napoleon and Half-Pint, clashing their blades together. Winter and (Y/n) were doing alright, but they weren't able to beat the two dwarves.


"Before you even draw your sword, you must make an impression on your enemy."

Winter and (Y/n) flopped onto the ground, having been beaten in hand to hand combat by the dwarves.


"If your enemy is deceived by how you look, the battle's half won."

Napoleon looked (Y/n) and Winter up and down, noticing their now dirty costumes that they had worn at the Queen's hall and decided they needed a change.


(Y/n) and Winter were flipped over onto the mat by Chuckles, who chuckled at their losing, and Wolf who howled in victory. (Y/n) sighed in frustration, while Winter panted in exhaustion.


Winter and (Y/n) stood in the hut, trying to find outfits that better suited them.

Winter came out wearing a large pirate hat and (Y/n) had a red jacket on over her dress.

Napoleon analyzed the outfits and shook his head in disapproval.


Grub mixed the cups up again, while (Y/n) and Winter watched with confused and slightly overwhelmed faces.


"People think of you two as harmless. They don't expect you to fight dirty."

(Y/n) poses in a new yellow dress with frilly sleeves, while Winter was adjusting the puffy shoulder and his new shirt.

Napoleon shook his head again.

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