Chapter 10: Queen's Revenge

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n), please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry!" Winter shouted as he rushed after her.

(Y/n) slowed down and stopped in her tracks, but she still had her back facing him. "Look, I'm...I'm sorry I was so pushy, Winter. I...I know you must have you're reasons...I just...I can't stand by and watch the Queen get away with the things that she does. I want to stop her. And I...I always'd have my back." She confessed, still turned away from him. "But...if you really don't want to, then I can—."

"No!" Winter exclaimed. "I do want to stop her, really I do. I want to rule over the kingdom and make it a better place, I just...I just...I'm afraid I'm going to lose you."

(Y/n) finally turned around to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...the Queen is ruthless. She tried to have us killed! And yet...the whole time we were walking through that forest, all I could think about was you, and how you were going to die. I wasn't even worried about myself, but I was terrified of thinking that I was never going to hear your voice or see your face ever again."

Winter slowly walked up to (Y/n) and placed his hands on her shoulders. "If the Queen finds out we're alive, she could kill you. I care very deeply for you, (Y/n). I could never rule a kingdom if I didn't have you by my side to do it with me." He confessed.

(Y/n) immediately lunged forward and hugged Winter tightly around the middle. He hugged her back, and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

"You won't lose me Winter." She promised.

"How do you know that?" He whispered.

"You really think it'll be that easy to get rid of me?" She joked. "Besides, I think I showed in our fight that can take care of myself."

Winter chuckled lightly. "I don't know, I beat your butt pretty good. Literally." He whispered teasingly.

(Y/n) gasped and shoved him away. "I hate you!" She declared, but there was a hint of a smile on her face.

In the distance, they could hear several people cheering victoriously. Winter shared a confused glance with (Y/n), before he took her hand and pulled her back through the woods.


They got back to the spot where they had been before, and saw the seven dwarves wearing their stilts and masks, going through all the stuff they had just stolen.

Sitting in a circle, tied up with ropes, and missing their clothes, was Prince Alcott and four palace guards. Apparently they had gone after the bandits in the hope of defeating them, and failed. Miserably.

Half-Pint turned to (Y/n) and Winter. "Come on guys, help bring all this stuff back home." He encouraged.

Prince Alcott turned and saw (Y/n) and Winter looking at him with wide eyes.


"You!" They exclaimed.

"You two are with the bandits?!" He asked incredulously.

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