Chapter 32

838 29 11

Minasa Takashi

I return back the novel to Sir Hanson, and sign before I thank him, leaving the library. 

As I walk back to class, I hear a familiar voice call my name.

"Mina?" I stopped and turned to see the same girl who embarrassed me the other day. I roll my eyes. What does she want from me? To hit me again? Hasn't she had enough? I'm just not in the mood to put up with any kind of drama this morning.

She approaches me and I look away from her, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes? What do you want?" I asked, irritated. My eyes still away from the brown haired girl.

At the corner of my eye, I watch as she falls to her knees, hanging her head low in shame. My eyes widened as she join her hands together, tears welling her beautiful coffee brown eyes.

"What are you-"

"I-I ju-just want y-your fo-forgiveness." She manages to stutter through her sobs.

"Hey! Don't do that please.." I look around to find students staring at the scene.

"You're embarrassing yourself." I whisper but she continues to weep. Oh my god.

"I deserve it. What I did to you was truly unforgivable." She chokes.

She cries harder, her small frame shaking as she knelt before me. I observe her once more. The guilt written all over her features and the remorse clearly evident. I can't just watch her cry like this.

My eyes soften over her as I grab her shoulders and rise her to her feet but her knees fail to let her stand straight. Luckily, I was strong enough to hold her steady as I take her to the girls' washroom.

When we got inside she immediately turns on the faucet and splash water on her tear-soaked face to better her appearance. I just stood silently, watching her small body still heaving due to her intense breakdown.

She coughs and wipes her face with a face towel, taking deep breaths and exhaling into the towel. When she was done, she sniffles and hangs the towel on the rail before she turns to me with a weak smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly and she nods.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask and she nods again. I feel bad for her. She actually felt bad for the way she treated me and apologized. Back there in London, people mess with me, they treat me like garbage and they don't give a flying shit but I let it go. The pain, the insults..the humiliation..I had to bear it all hoping for an apology but.. nothing like that ever comes to me. Until now.

"I just want to apologize for the way I treated you," She begins with a low chuckle, "It was so uncalled for. I humiliated you in front of everyone and I shouldn't have done that.  I'm sorry for calling you names..for everything. I don't know what got ahold of me. I embarrassed you for something you knew nothing of." She shook her head and wipes her eyes with her finger. "I don't normally do that you know. Even if my brother is an annoying piece of shit, I still love and care for him. He's the only one I have in this world and I'd do anything for him. So when I found out he was beaten up, I was very hurt and angry. So angry that I took it out on you."

"You know," She sniffles, "After the incident, I went to the hospital to see my brother and he told me that he was talking about what happened on Monday with his friends and unfortunately, Manjiro Sano, I mean Mikey overheard their conversation."

She steps closer to me and hold my hands, "I felt so awful, Mina. I felt terrible. I felt like a monster. I felt the guilt eating me alive and unless I apologize, I would be restless. I let my anger get the better of me. I'm sorry." She hung her head low.

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