Chapter 33

944 28 13

Minasa Takashi

It's 7:34PM and I'm in the living room working on my assignments that were due on Thursday. I just want to get them out of the way so I won't have to worry about doing them last minute.

I hear the front door open and Brother walked in, his hands filled with bags of groceries.

"Hey, you're back." I run to greet him, helping him with the groceries.

"Yeah, thank you." He says, heading to the kitchen. I follow him and set the bags down on the counter. Mitsuya and I put them away before heading back to the living room.

Collapsing on the couch, Brother groans, "Ugh..I'm so tired."

I chuckle and sit back down on the loveseat, continuing my assignments.

"How's school today?" He asks.

"It was great." I grin and he smiles, "Good to hear."

"I made a new friend today." I tell him and his eyes widen.

"Nice, who is she?" He questions.

"Anya." I reply. "She's really nice."

I never told him what transpired between me and Anya. I didn't want to tell him because I don't want him to get involved with such a minor misunderstanding. Besides, if I did get him involved, then he'd just make everything worse.

"That's good. I'm glad you're adjusting. I'm sure, with time, you'll fit right in." Brother assures.

I nod, "Yeah."

"Well," He gets up, "I don't have the energy to make dinner so I'll just order sushi." He heads upstairs, "I'll be in my room."

"Okay." I nod again.

My phone suddenly dings and I open it to see a message from Anya. Did she create a group chat?

Anya🐰: Emma? Mina? You guys awake?

Emma immediately replies.

Emma🦋: Yeah I am. Not so sure about Mina though.

Me :) : I'm awake!

Anya🐰: Oh great. So..what you guys doing?

Emma 🦋: Just watching TV. You?

Anya🐰: Same. What about you, Mina?

Emma 🦋: Probably studying. *eye roll*

Me :) : I'm actually doing my history homework.

Anya🐰: But isn't that shit due on Thursday?

Me :) : Yeah, it is.

Emma 🦋: BORIINNG! You're such a nerd, Mina.

Me :) : No I'm not.

Anya🐰: Yes you are. NERRDD.

Emma 🦋: Nerd alert!


Okay, they're getting me irritated now.

Me :) : Stop teasing me :/

Emma 🦋: Oh come on, we're just kidding. You know I love you bitch ;)

Anya🐰: Me too.

Me :) : Thanks you guys.

Anya🐰: But seriously though, you'll have to help me with mine.

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