The intruder

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(Sorry if you guys went to bed really early you just needed a break!)

I heard something coming through the front door, I really tried to pretend to sleep until it got to my room I heard heavy footsteps. I squinted my left eye to find him.

I shut my eyes and he carries me out the door and outside into his car, I felt like a tear was going to come out but I won't let that happen I wasn't like that. Luckily I had a hair brush that I accidentally left inside my jacket but it wasn't just any hair brush it was a hidden knife.

I hear the car parking. He was talking to bill. They both had a heavy German accent. "Tom what in the living fuck is wrong with you" bill says "doing what I love to do. Rape, abuse, skin them, cut them, and the best is killing them." Tom says, this time I couldn't help but let out a squeak and a tear "did you hear that?" He says. Tom throws me to the ground, shit.

I try hard to fake it but I didn't make it. Tom kicks my stomach. I felt like throwing up at that moment. It was not pleasant. Not at all. I scream in pain "Asshole!" I hold my stomach in pain and I sit up. "What was that?" Tom asks in a sarcastic way. I get up and slap him. "I said you asshole or are you fucking stupid" I yell "what the fuck did you just say to me? Do you know who the fuck I am hm?" He says. "No, no I don't!" I scream he grabs my wrists in a very harsh matter "stop please. Not that wrist it hurts.." I grown in pain, it looked like the same guy from earlier. He had braids now, thin black braids, he looked magnificent. I turn to see the lovely guy from earlier too. He had heavy black eyeshadow. He was pretty. But very very pretty. Suddenly he squeezes my left wrist. I scream "please stop!! It hurts a lot please stop!" "Tom stop,
Let her go she's in pain" bill says "bill shut the fuck up." Tom says. I start kicking until I kick his cock, he groans in pain, bill has a hold of me "let me go! Your probably as bad as him!" I yell

Bills POV

That hurt. "Oh" I whisper under my breathe "you bitch. You know what little sluts get?" Tom says, she looks at me then to Tom "well it better be a new wrists because I'm pretty sure you made this 10 times worse you asshole!" She yells in pain. I felt a tear on my arm, was she crying? I look at her and I see several tears falling. I felt horrible but there was nothing I could do. He was too powerful "what your fucking yap you slut" Tom says and comes up to her and carries her "let go of me you dick head!, you betrayed me bill!" she screams. I sit on the front of car and I rub my forehead with my fingers.

I feel bad but I just can't do anything about it. I don't like toms attitude towards these girls especially Emma and destiny. I hope he doesn't do worse because when he's in love he does way worse. I would never. I hear her faint scream through the second floor window.

Toms POV

I was so in love with her. Her attitude made me mad crazy for her. I force her onto the bed and I start chaining her wrists. She screams in pain. I chuckled "maybe if you were a good girl this would be happening you little whore" I say and I start undoing her bra I take off the chains and slipping her bra strips off, I chain her up again and she kicks and screams. I gained more power. She looked like she's a virgin slut just what I wanted. Emma and destiny weren't virgins which was boring because they were moaning in pleasure not screaming like this angel.

I slip her thong off and I take my boxers off "no no please I've never experienced this! And it's not like I fucking wanted to and your such a bitch!" She screams. I slap the shit out of her it even leaves a red mark on her right cheek.

Lilacs POV

He grabs a gun and places it right beside my thigh. He starts to go inside. I let out a faint moan "please stop I dont fucking want this" I start kicking and he takes the gun and puts it in my pussy. I start screaming, I start shaking the chains and he goes back and forth "shut the fuck up before I pull the fucking trigger you bitch" he yells. Then he takes it out and throws it at the night stand, he starting putting his cock inside of me he starts moaning loud, "god your so tight." He says, well isn't that obvious you man slut- I let out a few moans that I certainly did not want to let out.

He stops and I sighed of relieved he started undoing the chains and bill comes in "Tom what in the hell did you do?!" Bill yells and he looks at me, I cover myself and I felt something sticky. What the fuck was it, no, it can't be. I get up and I start heading to the bathroom and I shower. I hear bill and Tom agruing "Tom you have to stop this madness! This is isn't you" bill yells "this is me bill I don't this for a living and I love doing this AND you will never get rid of it because your under my control and I literally fuck you up if you ever try to ruin this." Tom yells, I start tearing up.

Was I wrong about bill? Was he nice after all? Or is he just like his brother? I don't know who to believe anymore I just want to see Alexis right now I miss her so much. I get out of the shower and I look at my wrist that apparently has a heartbeat because it hurts a lot. I see a knife and I slit my right wrist. Blood pours on the sink and I turn on the faucet. I clean the blood as good as I can. I get toilet paper and cover it, it doesn't cover good but it's fine it's not like he can from the pants and long sleeve shirt I got from his closet. I get out and I see him, "you took long. What happened?" He asks "are you being sweet or what happened?" I mimick him "lilac don't give me an attitude I'm just worried and also why is my sleeve red?" He ask. I get really nervous "uhm I don't know maybe it's my wrist bleeding from you squeezing the life out of it, maybe if you didn't I wouldn't need a new wrist" I say, God, I totally blew that. Im so stupid. "Let me look at it" he says. Why is he being so sweet? He checked my wrist "why did you do it Lilac?!" He says, this is weird he's worried about me!?


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