Fame gets you

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(Lilacs POV)

Today is the day that we have a photo shoot, couldn't be more excited then ever! They have some of our designs and we change over there. We start heading over there and we are in the city now, there are our faces on some screens outside. We see copies and copies of our store and this huge limo makes it so much more better.

I see Tom, and Emma pointing at it and they hold hands, my smile faded. We parked close to where they were and there was paparazzi everywhere, even some people taking pictures, our stores were a hit! i see Tom looking at me and my dress, he looked like he was proud and didnt want to take me back, i didnt quite mind i didnt even want to go back any fucking ways. He starts taking pictures and Emma waves, i smile and start walking in. I love being famous, wow i just loved it, we start going to change to do the photo shoot and we get all set and we start the photo shoot.

3 hours later.

We just got done finished and we exit. I see Tom and the others, we start walking and we walk right beside them and they start recording and following us, thank you bitches. Anyways, vogue was the best, we got royal chairs and so much more. We start seeing our faces on screens and we scream in excitement. We get in the limo and drive off.

Toms POV

I wanted to take her back so bad but i was with Emma, i didnt love Emma. But she loved me, i wanted lilac Not Emma, lilac was the girl of my dreams, but she wouldn't trust me. She sees me as a monster anyways. I felt my eyes water, i wasnt about to cry now was i? I see some girls, they looked like whores. I had to take one of course. I walk up to one of them girls, "hey, whats your name?" I say, "oh its taylor, whats yours handsome?" She flirts, thats when i knew that i didnt like her, she wasnt feisty she was calm. I didnt know what to say, so i just said "you wanna hangout some time?" I say, I could feel my brain slapping itself. She turned and i put a tracking device in her purse, i walked away. That was awkward. I get my flip phone out and i had lilacs number and i dial her "who is this?" She says and i sigh, "hey its your favorite prince" i say "your not my favorite prince but how are you?" She asks "kidnapping someone for you, meine Frau" i say, "im not yours and uhm, look i want to see you again, im starting to miss you." She says, i go wide eye wait she wants to see me? "Sure yeah, ill see you." I say, im getting soft as hell

Lilacs POV

"Hey ill talk later im taking care of something right now, so when will meet up?" I say, i wasnt even taking care of anything. I just didnt want to be in this stupid call anymore "ill see you later, love you." He says "yeah bye." I say and hang up the call, that was rude. But i didnt want to say 'love you' back. We weren't even together, i didnt plan to be either.

I enter a coffee place, 'coffee palace' it did indeed look like a palace, people go all out these days. I sit beside a window and i place my order on a screen, a few minutes later the waiter comes, "heres your order, and can i get you anything else?" She says then she looks at me "oh my god! Are you THE lilac Marilyn!?" She excitedly jumps, i smile "im such a huge fan of your designs! Can i please have an autograph?" She says and I sign a paper that she had, "thank you so much oh my god" she says and walks away, i start eating the pancakes that she gave me. I look out the window just to find bill coming in here, i try not to make eye contact "hey lilac" he says, i look at him "hey bill." I say "can i sit here with you?" Questioning me "course you can." I say politely "ive heard that your store has blew up, and people love your designs." Bill says, ugh how i just wanted to kiss him right now.

"Yeah it has and oh hold on" i get a text message, 'hey we have another vogue photo shoot but we can invite a friend. And i dont have any except you and i think you would have one since you've been gone' Alexis texts 'sure lex i will' i text back 'kk love you mwah' she texts and i put my flip phone away, "sorry my friend texted me" i say and i think about the 'invite a friend' text, i couldn't handle but to invite this beautiful man. "Would you like to a vogue photo shoot with me and my best friend?" I ask without hesitating "id love to" he says, we talk more.

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