Chapter 1

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Beep Beep: it's 7 am on capital radio. Children are going back to school after months of being at home because of covid.

Allie Morgan got up to get ready for her first day back to school after lockdown.

Before getting dressed for a busy day she quickly went and saw her mum in her bedroom.

Since covid Allie and Ava's mum sadly got long covid with chest pain, dizziness and joint pain. So Allie has been taking over as a cadet for her mum and Ava.

"Hey mum wake up it's Allie I'm up ready for school so I'll go make you some toast get Ava to bring it up to you after she gets ready for school." Allie tells her mum.

"Thanks baby, can you get ready though after getting breakfast, I'll come down." Amy Morgan tells her oldest daughter.

"Mum don't worry you felt dizzy last night I'll make sure she's eaten and dress she'll bring the toast up with her uniform on." Allie tells Amy Morgan.

It's hard for Allie Morgan to have to help around the house, help her sick mum and also be there for her little sister, but so does Allie.

A few years ago just before all of the world was affected by Covid the Morgan family lost Adam Morgan to prostate cancer, who was cared by his wife Amy Morgan but that all changed.

And now Allie Morgan has took on carer of her mother and younger sister.

After Allie left her Mum's room Allie went in to her little sister's room to wake Ava up.

"Ava time to wake up. I need you to get dressed then go downstairs and eat some cereal" Allie sats waking her little sister up.

"I'm up okay I'm going to, just leave my room" Ava told her big sister.

"Be Done by 10 minutes or I'm taking you downstairs personally and be dressed in you uniform because mum wants to see you in it." Allie Morgan told Ava sternly, which Ava goes by what her big sister said knowing how hard it must be caring for Ava and their mum on her own.

"Okay. But can you leave so I can get ready then I'll eat my breakfast" Ava says to Allie who walked out her little sisters room.

Allie pops downstairs going to put toast for her mum and get two bowls out filling them up with coco pops and two spoons. After Allie puts out orange juice in one cup and apple juice in another.

Knowing Ava doesn't drink apple juice she put orange juice for Ava.

After ten minutes Ava finally showed up in her school uniform ready. She sat down took a sip out of her orange juice and poured milk into her bowl.

Just as the two sisters finished their breakfast Allie told Ava to listen.

"Listen take the toast up to mum to eat. I'm going to get ready for school." Allie says.

"Yes okay" Ava says to Allie.

Allie went upstairs going in to her room o get ready for a hectic day.

Allie was now in a red jumper with blue jeans and a black puffa gilet and white trainers.
Allie knows her mum wouldn't be happy but that's changed since her illness. She probably would of kill her if she was better.

Allie hasn't told anyone not even her friends and won't be telling teachers either. This is very hard caring for her mum and even her little sister and the house since dad has passed away two years ago and covid came about.

Then Mrs Morgan got covid and then later after she got long covid and this is how it's been for 6 months.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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