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After some straightening and pulling down of the dress, as Daiz jumped up and down with glee, Kori finally looked presentable enough to go.

"Just one more finishing touch!" Daiz said a bit loudly, and went to slip on a bangled silver bracelet to Kori's wrist. Kori looked down at it and shook her wrist, shifting slightly in her heels.

She then tipped her chin up, and put on a smile as she took in what Daiz wore. Daiz smiled as her black hair fell down her back, going nicely with the crimson red halterneck dress, that went to the knee like Kori's did.

"Sometimes I'm envious of you, D. You can pull my dresses off far better than me." Kori said and kept her smile. She was at least going to try and have fun tonight ... she never really was comfortable with the male variety - especially after seeing one she couldn't quite remember - about six years before.

The memory went over her as she softly swings on a creaky swing set. Her father was off fixing something for the park by the fence, a good ways away, her only identifying mark of his was the color of hair that was just like hers - strawberry blond. Her mother had left to do something, and they had left young Kori alone. With no one, but herself...

Rustling came from behind her and Kori turned to look, yet found nothing out of the ordinary, so she turned back forward and continued to swing.

"What a pretty girl, all alone." A masculine voice said and that rustling was back, followed by the soft footfalls of large feet on the woodchips.

Kori turned quickly and looked at the dirty blond haired man that was taking his time getting closer. She nearly got up off the swing, but something kept her from running.

He smiled at her. "Would you like a push, sweetie?" He asked and she let herself smile back. She looked over to her father.

"My daddy's right there..." She said helpfully, "He's too busy to push."

The stranger gave a wider smile. "Okay, sweetie. I'll push you."

She shifted more into the swing and he grabbed the chains before softly pulling back and pushing her forward again.

"How old are you, sweetie?" He asked as he pushed her again, a little harder.
"I'm twelve. What's your name, stranger?" She said and let her head fall back and looked up at him.

The man smiled and his faded blue eyes connected with hers. "Call me... Murray. Yours?"

She couldn't believe she was willingly giving this information. "Kori."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He said and suddenly stroked her light strawberry blonde hair, before turning the swing around so the chains crossed and she faced him. "Now, the things I'd like to do to you..."

She blinked and went to kick out, but he caught her foot in his hand, keeping it there with a firm grip for a moment. "I mean, like to do for you." He corrected, and waited til she relaxed....

Once the memory faded with Daiz snapping her fingers in front of her face repeatedly, Kori only remembered one other thing from that day. A pair of grey eyes looking down at her and whispering quietly in a deep, kind of sinister voice....

"You don't deserve to die yet..."

Kori blinked from it. She wished she knew what else had happened, and who that guy was ... remembering was hard enough..

Daiz broke her train of thought as she grabbed Kori's hand and began to pull. "Come on.... dinner will be served by sexiness soon." She said and smiled at Kori, who nodded and smiled, letting the mysterious grey eyes fade from her thoughts...

It was time to go have fun. Time to forget things that bothered her.. and get lost within the entrances of the male body...

Maybe she'd regret this trip. Maybe she wouldn't. Kori would just have to see, Daiz couldn't make this too bad for her.

How wrong she was on that.

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