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Later that night, after a few more embarrassing times, Kori was finally able to have time to herself away from Daiz. She liked her friend, yes. But she couldn't let anything go - like her nonexistent guy friend 'issue' as Daiz put it.

Kori sighed and slid the soft fabric of the dress off her skin, and laid it out carefully on her dresser. She'd tend to that later. Then she grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and a similarly grey tank top. She stopped and looked in the mirror... losing herself a moment as she pictured those eyes again..

"You don't deserve to die yet..."

Kori could hear his voice clear as day, and shivered. The man she saw earlier, had the same grey eyes. But she didn't get enough of his voice to say it was similar to the voice of the man in her memory.

Maybe he isn't the same.... She thought blandly, before shaking her head softly, her strawberry blonde hair swaying slightly with the motion.

She quickly blanked her thoughts with the shake of her head, before she left her vanity mirror alone and trudged herself over to the bathroom.

A good shower maybe.... Kori told herself with an almost dead tone voice. So, monotonous.

She kept herself from looking in the mirror again and turned towards the shower, fiddling with the knobs until water of her desired temperature came from the faucet. It didn't take her long for her to strip out of her grey outfit, and stepped into the welcoming warmth of the water....

She closed her eyes as she began the daunting task of washing her long hair with both shampoo and conditioner; each smelling like apples that had been freshly picked at the peak of ripeness of a tree.

Once she finished that, rinsing the soapy suds free from her semi wavy hair, she straightened up again and slathered a loofah with cinnamon apple body wash; quickly scrubbing herself down and maybe tonight's memories.....

Like the eyes ... storm grey ..

Kori shook her head again, and stepped under the stream to watch the soap rinse off her pale skin.

Another daunting task lay ahead, as she then proceeded to shave what stubble there was. Should've done that before tonight ... She mentally slapped herself; no one could even see that, it was just too dark...

Just as she laid the razor to her skin, her childhood memory washed over her again....remembering Murray's words...

"Now, the things I'd like to do to you..."

She blinked and desperately wanted to kick out at him, but he effortlessly caught her foot in his hand, keeping it there with a firm grip for a moment. "I mean, like to do for you." He corrected, and waited til she relaxed.... she hadn't wanted to relax but his eyes were definitely different.. like he wasn't human...

Those thoughts were shaken as he twisted the chains again, forcing her to bend slightly to avoid getting caught in it... leveling her at the vertex of his legs.

He laughed, deep baritone one, and tipped her chin up. "Someone's eager... for a lick..."

Kori struggled and straightened her back, and he stepped closer, now changing his words. "Would you prefer a cone of ice cream, or a popsicle?"

She opened her mouth to yell, as he made his next action...

The memory cleared away as the razor had slipped and now a long jagged cut ran up the outside of her calf. Blood ran down with the water, staining it red, and it stung.

Kori growled at herself and shut the water off before stepping out a grabbed a few tissues, placing them over the cut to stop the bleeding.

She was getting closer to learning the answer of how, and what happened with those grey eyes. Just had to remember a little more, yet it only seemed to happen when she least wanted it to.

She straightened again, once she got the bleeding cut under control, and looked at herself in the mirror, her pale blue and green eyes looking back at her....

For a second she swore they turned grey, and she let out a yelp, covering her mouth, to smother it. Just like that, her eyes were back to normal.

I'm going crazy.... she thought to herself... utterly crazy..

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