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After a brief conversation with his friend on the phone, Adrian hung up and turned around, only to find Noah missing. His face contorted with anger, feeling humiliated that someone had dared to walk away from him like that, as it was something that had never happened before.

After rushing out of Adrian's office, Noah grabbed his bag and headed home. Despite his friends inviting him to go out for some fun, he found himself unable to muster the mood. His mind remained restless, and when night fell, he struggled to find peaceful sleep. Realizing the need to gain control over his emotions, Noah made a firm decision to avoid Adrian completely.

In the days that followed, Noah made every effort to steer clear of Adrian. Whenever Emily approached him with a file requiring Adrian's signature, he would come up with excuses to escape the situation and avoid any potential interaction. However, his attempts to distance himself didn't last long.

A few days later, a crucial meeting was scheduled, and Noah couldn't find a way to skip it. He knew he couldn't avoid Adrian forever, and this meeting made it inevitable for them to cross paths again.

Noah's heart pounded nervously as he tried to compose himself before the encounter. He knew he had to be strong and maintain his composure, regardless of the lingering emotions he felt for Adrian.

As the meeting commenced, Noah did his best to focus on the agenda and contribute when necessary.

He stole glances at Adrian from time to time, battling the urge to let his thoughts drift back to their make out in Adrian office. It was a constant struggle to keep his emotions in check, especially when Adrian's presence seemed to fill the room.

Throughout the meeting, Adrian occasionally glanced at Noah, and a flicker of anger crossed his face.

He sensed the change in Noah's behavior, the avoidance, and the unease.

When the meeting concluded, Noah swiftly made his exit, hoping to escape any potential awkwardness. However, as he was leaving, Adrian intercepted him in the hallway.

"Noah, in my office" Adrian's voice was firm.
Noah felt extremely frightened, and his fear made it hard for him to think clearly. Despite his fear, he had no other choice but to follow Adrian. They arrived at Adrian's office, and Adrian went inside first, followed by Noah.

Feeling nervous, Noah closed the door quietly and stood with his head lowered. The room fell into complete silence.

Adrian didn't say anything; he just stood there with his back turned to Noah. This made Noah even more anxious, and he couldn't muster the courage to initiate a conversation.

After some time, Adrian finally turned to look at Noah, expecting an explanation. However, Noah was so scared that he remained silent, and this only frustrated Adrian further.

In his frustration, Adrian forcefully pushed Noah against the wall and kissed him aggressively, which terrified Noah.

Noah tried to push Adrian away by placing his hands on Adrian's hard chest, but Adrian was much stronger and didn't relent.

Adrian's anger escalated, and he gripped Noah's throat with one hand and his head with the other, continuing the intense kiss.

Noah felt breathless and overwhelmed, unable to resist Adrian's forceful advances.

He had no choice but to surrender to the situation. Gradually, Noah responded to the kiss and even held onto Adrian's coat. But when Adrian sensed Noah's response, he quickly pulled away.

Noah yearned for more and tried to kiss Adrian, but Adrian turned his head away, leaving them both panting heavily with their chests heaving. Noah looked at Adrian with confusion, trying to catch his breath.

Their grips on each other remained tight as they both caught their breaths. Finally, Adrian turned to face Noah, and the sharpness in Adrian's eyes sent a shiver down Noah's spine.

"Why did you leave that day? Why are you avoiding me?" Adrian asked, his voice dripping with coldness. Noah's hands trembled as he loosened his grip on Adrian and looked down, feeling anxious.

Adrian frowned, grabbing Noah's jaw tightly to force him to meet his gaze.

"I asked you something," he roared, displaying a level of anger that Noah had never encountered before, making him even more scared.

"I... I was scared," Noah stammered. Tears welled up in his eyes, and Adrian's heart softened, loosening his grip.

"Scared? Why?" Adrian asked, his tone now gentle. Noah swallowed, lowering his eyes.
"I don't know," he admitted, raising his eyes to meet Adrian's.

"I don't understand what's happening between us, and I don't know if it's right or wrong. But I'm certain about one thing: I don't want people to judge you. I don't feel worthy of you," Noah confessed.

Adrian hushed him by placing a finger on his lips. "Shhh," he whispered, seeing Noah's vulnerable state. Noah looked at him with unsure eyes.

"You don't need to understand everything, and you don't need to be scared. Nobody can harm me or you. We're not doing anything wrong," Adrian reassured, gently caressing Noah's skin with his thumb. Despite Adrian's reassurances, Noah remained anxious.

"But..." Noah tried to explain, but Adrian silenced him with a kiss, leaving Noah gasping. Adrian kissed him tenderly and then pulled away.

"If you're afraid of what others might think, we can keep it a secret," Adrian suggested, surprising Noah. That wasn't exactly what he meant.

"I don't really care about people's opinions, but for you, I can make an exception. I'm sure you already know how I feel about you. If you're still unsure, let me clarify one thing: I want you. But I won't force you. I understand that there's a significant age difference between us, and if that makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me. I'll respect your feelings," Adrian conveyed with an uncharacteristic calmness.

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