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"I'm just... not sure what to order. Everything looks good," he replied, trying to play it cool.

Internally, Noah was grappling with what to do. He didn't want to appear rude or unappreciative of Adrian's gesture, but he also couldn't justify the extravagant prices on the menu. After a moment of internal struggle, Noah ran his eyes over the menu once more and settled on the least expensive option—a plate of noodles.

He showed the waiter his choice, and Adrian placed his order as well. However, Adrian could see that something was bothering Noah from his uneasy expression and forced smile. He couldn't help but feel concerned for him.

"What's wrong with you?" Adrian asked after the waiter had left. He saw right through Noah's attempt to hide his discomfort.

Noah hesitated but eventually shook his head, trying to dismiss the issue. "Nothing, I'm good," he replied, attempting to appear fine, even though he was clearly not.

Adrian didn't fully believe Noah's response, but he didn't push further at that moment. Both of them fell into a tense silence, the atmosphere becoming a bit awkward.

Adrian didn't want Noah to feel pressured or uncomfortable.
He decided to let Noah have his space and hoped that they could talk about it later, once they were more at ease with each other.

For now, he would focus on enjoying the company and making sure Noah felt comfortable throughout the dinner.

As the food was served, Noah's eyes widened in shock when he saw that his noodles were garnished with garlic. Panic washed over him as he realized he had accidentally chosen a dish that he was allergic to. His heart raced, and he felt a wave of discomfort, but he didn't want to create a scene or spoil their first date.

When Adrian questioned why he had chosen only noodles, Noah tried to put on a brave face.
"I love noodles, I'm absolutely fine with it," he replied, forcing a bright smile. He discreetly glanced at the other dishes Adrian had ordered, feeling envious of the mouth-watering flavors.

To his surprise, Adrian gracefully cut a piece of meat and placed it on Noah's plate from his own. Noah's heart skipped a beat at the gesture, and he blushed deeply.

"Thank you," he stammered, touched by Adrian's thoughtfulness. He picked up the meat and put it in his mouth, trying to hide his discomfort.

However, as soon as he tasted the meat, he realized it also had garlic, and his heart sank. Each bite felt like torture, but he didn't want to disappoint Adrian or make a fuss. When Adrian noticed something was amiss, he asked with genuine concern, "Are you okay?"

Struggling to maintain composure, Noah nodded, forcing himself to say, "I'm fine. It's so tasty." He tried to hide the discomfort in his voice, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

Adrian nodded, seemingly satisfied with Noah's response.
However, he couldn't help but feel that something was not quite right with Noah. Throughout the meal, Adrian remained attentive, engaging in light conversation to keep Noah distracted.

Meanwhile, Noah's entire body was trembling, and he felt the effects of the allergic reaction taking a toll on him. He silently sent an emergency message to his best friend, hoping for some assistance without drawing attention to the situation.

Every moment felt like an eternity for Noah, and he was desperately counting down the minutes until the meal was over. He did his best to stay in his seat and put on a brave front for Adrian. It was a challenging experience, but he didn't want anything to ruin the special night they were sharing together.

Within a minute, Noah's mobile began to ring. He smiled at Adrian before reaching for his phone, but he hesitated before answering the call.

"Who is it? Why aren't you answering the call?" Adrian asked, curious about the delay. Eventually, Noah answered the call, but his hand trembled as he held the phone tightly.

"Hello," Noah spoke, trying to hide his nervousness, as he heard the anxious voice of his friend on the other end. His friend seemed concerned and asked what had happened.

Noah pretended that something was wrong with his friend and responded with a sense of urgency, acting as though his friend needed his immediate help. His friend was taken aback by Noah's unexpected response.

"Okay, I'll be there, don't worry," Noah added, trying to sound worried as he assured his friend. Adrian looked puzzled, not knowing what was going on.

"What's the matter?" Adrian inquired, trying to make sense of the situation.

Noah quickly ended the call and stood up from his seat, using the excuse of his friend's accident as a reason to leave. "My friend had an accident, I have to go, I'm sorry," Noah said apologetically.

Adrian was shocked to hear the news and immediately offered to drive Noah to the hospital.
"Let me drop you"
Concerned for Noah's well-being, he didn't want him to handle the situation alone.

"It's okay, I'll manage. I'm sorry," Noah declined Adrian's offer and apologized once again before rushing away. He felt guilty for lying to Adrian, but he didn't want him to witness his condition.

His head was spinning, and the allergic reaction was taking a toll on his entire body. As he hurried out of the restaurant, he stumbled a few times.

Upon reaching the road, Noah hailed a taxi and requested to be taken to the hospital.

With weakened breath, he managed to utter the word "Hospital" to the driver. However, the allergic reaction had become too severe, and Noah lost consciousness as soon as he entered the taxi.

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