Chapter 14: Sparks Fly ★

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Ronnie's POV:

"And the Grammy for Album of the Year goes to..." The room was full of silence, awaiting the answer. I felt the glance of both my brothers, as they wished me good luck. All the work and passion I had put into this album had me hoping it would hold a place in history.

"Fearless!" the host announced, as my hands covered my face. My brothers stood up, ready to congratulate me on the award. I remained in shock, I never imagined my music making it this far.

I stood up, hugging both my brothers, and Luke kissed my forehead before sitting back down. The room was filled with applause as the chorus of my song, "You Belong With Me," began to play. I walked over to Tanner, who had also attended in my support. He came closer to hug me and congratulate me, and told me, "You did it," as he fixed his suit before placing both arms by his side.

I looked at him before correcting him, "No, we did it." He nodded with a slight smile, before gesturing for me to head up to the stage to accept my award.

Joel offered his hand and I accepted it. We walked up the stairs to the stage, and Joel stepped off to the side, while I was handed a Grammy Award.

"Wow," I spoke into the mic, filled with excitement. "I really can't believe this is happening right now!" The crowd cheered louder, as I heard Tanner and Luke whistling from their seats.

"You know, I first want to start off by saying how much this means to me. A year ago, my brother and I were doing every little job we could to make any bit of money to help us survive. And never in a million years would I have thought I would be standing in front of you all today, accepting this award. So I first want to start by thanking all of you, because without all you supporting me, I would never be here." The crowd cheered with applause.

"I also want to thank two of the most important people in my life, my brothers, Joel and Luke. You two have probably supported my dream from the very beginning, and you have been there every step of the way, encouraging me to keep going, even when I think there's no point. Every song on this album was dedicated to the two of you because you both have helped me discover my passion for music."

"And, the last two people I want to thank are my parents. I know if they were with us here today, they would be screaming their heads off right now," I said, as the room filled with chuckles and laughter. "They were really excited to see how I would grow up and find my place in the music industry. And even though they're not here anymore, I know they're still watching me from above, and cheering me on every step of the way. So thank you everyone and anyone who helped me get to where I am today. Thank you!" I finished, and the applause erupted once again, as I walked to my brother to return to our seats.

The applause echoed in my mind as I remembered that night. My studio team was ecstatic when they heard the news. They got together, and planned a whole night to celebrate our achievement: the success of Fearless.

And that's where I was. The party was hosted at Maddie's house since she had quit the home. It was a small gathering, only close friends and family were invited. However, when you have just released a Grammy-winning album, close-friends seem to grow larger in number.

The majority of the party was currently in the living room, where I sat and waited for the eventual congratulations from arriving guests. After a while, it became a bit boring thanking guests over and over again. However, one person arrived who caught my eye.

"Hey, there she is," the guest said, as I began to experience the feeling I've had missing for quite some time now. "Congratulations, Miss New Artist of The Year."

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