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Giyuu's pov one day I was walking through the hallway until I saw a girl with black and purple hair and her eyes were purple too she was taking to a girl with pink and green hair.                                           Shinobu's pov I just got done talking to mitsuri she said she was going to I should head to class to then I saw a guy with black hair and blue eyes I thought I might as well play with him since he looks hot I walk over to him and say hey cutie. Giyuu' pov did she just filrt with me I thought while blushing I said hi she asked me if I wanted to walk to class together I said yes and started to follow her and we got to the class room door and bye we went are separate ways and I sat by tanjiro and said hi. tanjiro's pov did giyu really said hi I said hi back and the teacher came in and started teaching. This is my first story so please no hate and Don't blame me if I don't update on time and the grammar mistakes.

yandere giyuu x tanjiro Tw First Two-half Chapter Are Giyushino [End]Where stories live. Discover now