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We searched for a pharmacy for an hour and fortunately, we found one and I bought her some medicine and a bottle of water. She was already having an allergic reaction 30 minutes in our ride and she's pretending it's not having an effect on her but her recessive scratching tells me otherwise. Once I gave her the medicine, she quickly drank it and after 5 minutes, she stopped itching and started to drift off. Well, we got an hour before arriving at the headquarters and I got a lot of reports to see and it's currently 23:03. All I wanna do is lay in bed watching her sleep but instead, I gotta tuck her to bed and work. Just fun.

Once we arrived at the headquarters, I looked over at her to see if she was awake. I didn't want to wake her, I know she had to go to her University tomorrow and she had a long day already.

I took off my denim jacket and placed it over her covering her front. I took his small purse and hang it on my shoulders while I gently carried her, careful not to wake her up. My plan definitely worked as I successfully got inside her room while she was peacefully sleeping in my arms. I wish to keep it this way forever, if possible that is.

I slowly placed her on her bed and took off her heels. I placed her purse on her night stand and closed the windows and curtains. I went inside her ensuite to look for her makeup remover. Just as I assumed, she put it neatly beside her sink. I grabbed what I needed and went to her. I gently grabbed her face so I could easily remove her makeup. Just like what she wanted, what she always wants, what she's used to — what I'm used to doing when tucking her to bed. I squeezed the liquid out of the bottle to the cotton pad. I used to see her using this to remove her makeup. Once the pad was perfectly wet with the liquid, I gently wiped her face with it making sure to remove any makeup that was covering her bare face. I used another pad to wipe her lips and her eyes. Once I was done removing her makeup, I went to the ensuite for the last time to throw away the cotton pads and put back what I took a few moments ago. After I was done, I walked up to her and covered her body with a blanket and turned off the lights. I walked out of her room, making sure that everything is locked so nobody could disturb her peace.

I then went to my office to tell the others to report to me. The rest of the night or morning, I really mean from 00:00 to 04:00, I was listening to what the others did and are planning to do. The plans of where they're going to sabotage a drug shipping next, just pretty much what is happening in our business. As of the moment, everything is under control. Which only means one thing: more time to spend with her. More time for me to make up my mind and explain to her how I fucked up. More time for me to comprehend what has happened the whole week. More time for me to slowly accept she's taken.

Once everything was settled, I ran to my room, desperate for sleep, but silly me, I forgot I had insomnia and couldn't sleep. I'm one lucky dude. My body is so tired at this point but I couldn't get myself to sleep however I tried. I went outside of my room and decided to grab a drink. I went to one of the balconies and sat there in silence, wishing I could sleep. As I was about to pop open a sleeping pill to drink with the wine, Andrea suddenly covered my eyes.

"Guess who" she said while trying to deepen her voice. I knew it was her. I could always sense whenever she's near me. I knew her hands. I knew how her hands feel. I knew her scent, I could always smell her even when she's not around. Her scent, her voice, always haunts me whenever she's not around.

"Is this Ian?" I asked faking my confusion.

"No" she giggled still deepening her voice.

"Uhm, James?"

"Who's James? It's me, I can't believe you didn't recognize." She uncovered my eyes and sat to the chair next to mine.

"We would've gone until tonight if you didn't reveal yourself to me" I lied getting a giggle from her.

"Where's Ian by the way? I haven't seen him since, I missed hanging out with him" she had a slight pout on her face.

"He's somewhere, I could contact him if you want. Whenever you're free?" I looked up at her while sipping my wine.

"You haven't slept?" She looks at the pills.

"No" I surrendered.

"Were those prescribed by your therapist?" She asked, grabbing the pills from me.

"These are really strong, Cai." She lectured me.

"I know, sweet cheeks. I got no other choice." I hung my head low.

"Hey now, can we at least...try?" She suggested.

"Yeah, I'm desperate" she held my hands leading me to my room.

I opened the door and we headed to my bed. She lied down next to me and cuddled me. She caressed my hair and the next thing I know, I slept. It pains me that my body was so used to her. It also relieves me that I was used to her and only her. My body was so used to her comfort that it no longer finds comfort in any other things. There was no drug better than her.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Someone was calling me. I didn't answer the phone and looked at the time and saw it was already 12:00. I saw Andrea sleeping and figured she fell asleep helping me fall asleep. She was still hugging my body as she was sleeping. She groaned when she felt me get out of her hold.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." I apologized caressing her hair.

"Don't you have classes today?" She jumped out of bed and her eyes grew wide.

"Fuck" she cursed.

"I'm really sorry for keeping you" I apologized once again.

"It's okay. Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah, the best one since a few years ago." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I could confirm, you were snoring pretty loud I could barely sleep" she yawned.

"I'm joking, you were sleeping peacefully. I'm glad I helped. You could always call me whenever you need. I'm just not happy that you've been deprived of sleep for years. I'll be happy to help, just stop drinking those drugs, they're not healthy." She added.

"Yeah, thanks for teaching me, mom" I answered jokingly. "We should grab lunch, I know you're starving" I offered her as we make our way out of my room after dressing up decently.

Her stomach growled.

So fucking cute.

"Ravenous" she mumbled.

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