Chapter 17

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"Years have passed and still here I am beside you, watching and wondering why you did all of it just to make me happy, I miss you, if only I could go back the time, where i can still hold you in my arms, but i know that no matter what i do, you won't go back, all i can do for now is to pray for you, i wish you are happy wherever you are, and i miss you, and i love you"

I am here now at the grave of the person who saved my life, the person who gave me a second life, the person who made me alive today.

"Thank you, because even for a short time I felt your love for me, I didn't expect everything to end this way, I didn't expect you to do this for me"

I continously said,

"It's okay Rain, no matter where he is I'm sure he's happy that you are alive, this is what he promised, that he would do anything just for you, he love you, and he regret all the bad things, that he did and he said to you"

"But giving me his heart, just to keep me alive is too much, it's too much, all I want is love and he already gave it to me, he gave it to me, but his heart, why am I going to do now, I'm so tired of blaming myself for all of the bad things that is happening to me"

"Then stop blaming yourself, it's enough, you've blamed yourself many many years ago, and that's enough, stop making your life miserable, your a good and a kind kid Rain, that's the reason why everyone loves you, why everyone likes you, so stop blaming yourself"

"Thank you, thank you for always being here with me"

"I promised you right, and I made a promise that I would love you, that I would protect you, and that I would appreciate you and value you just like how you value yourself, so stop crying now"

"But I miss Dad"

"I know Rain, I know, I know how much you misses your Dad, but you have his heart, just take a good care of that, just like how he wanted to take good care of you"

"Why is this happening to me Payu? why are the people I love gradually disappearing over and over again"

"No, they're not, yes, your Daddy died, but maybe you forget that before he passed away, he gave you his heart, it just means that he loves you and wants you to take care of his heart, take care of it because he didn't take care of you before, he didn't appreciate you, and he wants you to remember him no matter where you go, he wants you to be proud of him as his son that's why he did it"

"I am Payu, I am so proud of him and I love him, I love him so much"

"Your Dad loves you too, and I'm sure of that, and also have you forgotten? I'm still here, you still have me, didn't I promise you that I will stay by your side forever? That I will love you, that I will keep you safe and I will protect you?"

"Thank you Payu, you never left me since that day"


That day,

After waking up with Payu on my side I went downstairs where I saw my parents talking to each other.

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