Chapter 3

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I woke up from the sun shining in my eyes, and looked over at the clock. Shit, it was 10 am and I was supposed tone at work. I got up and called Soda at work. He said that the boss gave me two weeks off because he heard what happened, and wanted me to recover. I was kinda upset because that means now I'm gonna have to sit here all by myself. I decided I'd make the best of it, and went to take a bath. About 20 minutes later, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Beth, you gunna stay in there all day?" I recognized right away it was Dally.

"I'm coming!" I yelled and jumped outta the tub. I realized I didn't bring any clothes in with me and I had to run to my room real fast. I quickly found a pair of shorts and a cute little blue tanktop and threw them on. Then I casually walked out into the living room drying my hair with my towel.

"What's up Dal?" I asked while towelling my hair.

"Just seeing what you're up to sitting 'round here all day." He replied, plopping down on the couch.

"Just hanging around." I said. He looked kinda different today I noticed. He had his hair done nice and was actually wearing a clean shirt. His face seemed to be glowing, and I saw that smile I love so much playing on his lips.

"Wanna go grab a bite to eat?" He asked with that bad boy smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I just gotta go brush my hair." I said casually. As I walked into the bathroom, my heart started racing. Was he gonna tell me he liked me? I was freaking out, but decided to just get on with it and go. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and threw on a headband to match my top. Then I put a bit of makeup and a touch of perfume on, and walked back out to the living room.

"Ready to go?" Asked Dally with a cute smile playing on his lips.

I nodded, "yeah let's go." Trying hard not to sound too excited about what was happening. We walked down the street to the Dingo, and it was a little awkward. Dally was shyly playing with his ring, and looking at the ground. I was wondering what he was thinking, when Sylvia, Dally's old girlfriend, walked up.

"Well well well. If it isn't mister Dallas Winston. Who's this, a new bed buddy?" She asked with a disgusted look on her ugly face.

"Go away Sylvia. I don't have time for your shit." Said Dally looking bored.

"Whatever. Have fun with my leftovers you little slut." Sylvia said to me as she walked away laughing.

"Don't worry about her. You ain't a slut." Dally said leading me inside the Dingo. We walked over to a far table where hardly anyone was sitting, and a waitress came up right away.

"What can I get for y'all?"she asked looking sweetly at Dally.

"I'll just have a burger with fries and a chocolate milkshake." He said, completely ignoring her. She looked kinda hurt and turned to me.

"I'll have the same, thanks." I said to her. She turned and walked back to the kitchen. When I looked up, I noticed Dally was playing with his ring again. I decided I'd ask him what was wrong.

"What's up Dal? You seem kinda down." I asked. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh, nothing." He replied just as the waitress returned with our orders. I wanted to know what he was thinking, but I didn't push it any farther. We sat there eating our food in silence. I was still nibbling away at my fires when Dally spoke.

"Beth, there's something I needa tell you." He said. I looked up and nodded.

"What is it Dal?" I asked. He took a real deep breath, and he looked awful nervous.

"I don't really know how to say this." He said quietly. I looked at him, and he looked in to my eyes.

"Say it." I replied,slightly mesmerized.

"I cant. I don't know how." He said looking down. I leaned over the table and grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him. He seemed shocked, then kissed me back.

"Now will you tell me?" I asked smiling. He still looked real nervous, so I grabbed his hand. "Tell me Dally."

"It's nothing." He said and walked out. I was so confused, so I payed the bill and walked home. Once I got there, Soda was the only one home. He was sitting on the porch, and stood up when he saw me.

"Where you been at lil sis?" He asked messing my hair.

"I was at the Dingo with Dally." I replied. He looked kinda shocked, but quickly composed himself.

"What'd y'all do?" He asked.

"Ate, and then Dally was gonna tell me somethin', but he got up and left." I explained.

"Awe! I can't keep this secret any longer!" He said real anxious like.

"What secret?" I asked, though I already knew.

"Dally likes you." He whispered. My mouth dropped. Even though I already knew this, it still surprised me. I was just about to ask Soda why Dally wouldn't tell me when the rest of the gang showed up. We all walked inside, and Darry started making fried chicken for supper. I really wanted to talk to Dally, but I didn't know how. I guess I was just gonna have to wait until a chance popped up.

"Hey Beth?" Darry called from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I called back, walking to the kitchen.

"You mind going to the store and getting some milk?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure I'll go." I said, taking this as my chance to talk to Dally. I walked into the living room, and Dal sure looked bored.

"Hey Dal, wanna come to the store with me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess." He replied, getting up. We headed for the store, and after a few minutes of dead air, I turned to him. He stopped walking and looked at me, surprised.

"Soda told me." I said, looking at the ground. He kicked at a stone before he talked.

"I guess I shoulda known better than to tell him." He said real quiet.

"Is that what you were gonna tell me at the Dingo?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yeah, but I got a little nervous." He explained. I nodded.

"I like you too Dal." I said, not realizing what had just come out of my mouth. He looked at me rather surprised. I looked at the ground, my cheeks bright red. He lifted my chin up so I could look at him, and before I knew it, he leaned in for a kiss. I automatically started kissing him back, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair. He pulled me in close to him, and deepened the kiss. After a few minutes, we pulled away.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Beth?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes." I said smiling. He grabbed my hand and slid his ring onto my middle finger. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me again.

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