The hypnosis

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"Mum I'm home! When is tea going to be here, I want McDonald's." Alex walked in through the door and slammed it behind him.
"Please don't slam the doors." The mother asked politely.
"Shut up, you annoy me so much." He sighed in frustration.
"Wait- McDonald's? I just spent all day cooking for you." She pleaded.
"Well now I don't want it so throw it away for all I care" he said dismissively.
"Just go to your room.." the mother says in a slightly anxious tone.
"Fine, whatever. Just make sure you order McDonald's."
"I will!" She chuckles to herself.
Alex walked up the stairs and headed towards his room. He grabbed the door handle and swung the door open dismissively. The pulley system activated and the pocket watch dropped down and swung in his face.
"What the-"
He stared at the pocket watch in confusion. After a couple of seconds went by, he went to turn his head to shout to his mum about what ever this was, when he realised he couldn't turn his head. In fact he couldn't move at all. His eyes were fixated on this pocket watch. His gold reflection shimmering in his eyes entranced him even further. The longer he stared at it, the more relaxed he became until he just couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.
He was just so tired all of a sudden.

The mother walked upstairs, hopping that this time it worked. She was surprised to see her son stood with his head and arms drooping down. Almost like he was sleeping standing up.
She hesitantly walked over to him, fearing the worst. "Alex?" she asked very hesitantly.
"Yes" he replied in a slightly monotone voice.
"Are-are you hypnotised??"
"Yes" he replied in the same monotone voice.
"O-okay. W-will you do what I ask of you?"
"Okay let's try this, I want you to apologise for slamming the door.." He suddenly drops down to the the floor and begs for her forgiveness.
"Wow it really works, Okay stop."
He stops begging for her forgiveness and stays where he is.
"Erm, I want you to eat my cooking."
"Yes" he replies, walking to the table.
"Oh, wonderful!" He begins to eat everything she had made, even the vegetables.
"Okay, now I want you to tell me if you are being naughty at school."
"Yes, I am."
"Oh dear, we can't have that. You need to be punished for all your bad behaviour. Tell me, what have you been doing."
"I bully and embarrass people. I prank students and teachers. I fight students."
"Oh you embarrass people? Well I think it's time for you yourself to be embarrassed."
"Hmm. Okay I have an idea. Whenever you go to embarrass or bully someone you will take one of these pills without noticing." She had pulled out a pill box of extra strong laxatives.
"Good, I miss your old self when you were nicer, can you call me mama like you used to do and speak to me as if you were still my little boy?"
"Yes, mama"
"Aww, who's a cute boy? Okay now I want you to wake up and whenever you hear the word......animal, you will fall back into this trance."
"Yes, mama"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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