The Pocket Watch

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Alex is a 16 year old boy living at home with his mum. He is very mischievous and his mum doesn't take kindly to that kind of behaviour.

One day she was watching tv when an ad came on screen.
It said: Are you tired of chasing your kids around? Are they being too mischievous?
'Yes he is misbehaving a lot' she thought.
Then try this hypnosis pocket watch, just swing it in front of your child's face and then tell them what you want them to do, only £9.99 today-CRASH!!
Just as the advert finishes, a tennis ball crashes into the tv, causing it to break on impact. The mother turns around to see what happened when she sees her son holding a tennis racket with a smug look on his face.
"What the hell, Alex?!!" The mum shouts.
"Don't you yell at me, bitch, we can get a new bigger tv than that crappy one!" Alex replies, grinning.
"N-no of course, y-your right.." she whimpered
"That's what I thought" he replies and spits at her face.
"H-honey, would y-you mind going upstairs..?"
"Fine but only because I want to play fifa."
Later that day
As the mother is cleaning up the broken glass, a thought pops into her head. 'Maybe I should get that hypnosis pocket watch' she thinks to herself.

She finishes cleaning up and goes on her computer. finally, she comes across the hypnosis pocket watch and orders it for next day delivery. Now she just has to wait...
The next day
A knock was heard at the door. Knock knock!The mother opened the door and surprisingly, She looked down to see her package sat at the door. She picked it up and went inside.
She opened the package and took out what look like an ancient gold pocket watch attached to a long golden chain and a set of instructions.

She opened the package and took out what look like an ancient gold pocket watch attached to a long golden chain and a set of instructions

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It was quite entrancing as she stared into her own reflection. She quickly snapped out of the semi hypnotic trance, realising that this was powerful.
She had a quick look at the instructions, when Alex walked in. She rushed to hide the pocket watch and instructions before he saw them.
"What's for dinner?" Alex whined.
"Phew" the mother sighed in relief.
"Hello? Are you deaf? I asked what's for tea?"
"Oh, erm I'm not sure, chicken and broccoli?"
"Ew, that's disgusting, you know I hate vegetables! I want take out!" Alex shouted.
"Okay-okay, take out then.." the mother whimpered.
"Good, I'm going to go play on my switch."
"O-okay." She hands him the switch and he grabbed it out of her hand and jumped on the couch.
As he was playing games on his switch the mother sat there thinking about how she's going to try and hypnotise him. She came up with the idea to dangle the pocket watch in front of his face while he was distracted by his game.
She, quietly, walked over to her son, until she was hovering right over his head. She slowly took out the pocket watch and started to dangle it in front of his face. She started to swing it back and forth until suddenly SLAP!
The pocket watch flew across the room. Alex had slapped the pocket watch out of the way.
"What are you doing?" He asked, crudely.
"O-oh n-nothing sorry." She muttered, picking up the pocket watch. Not a scratch...
The next day
Whilst Alex was was at school, the mother wondered how she would try to hypnotise him next. A thought came across her mind, 'what if I were to take him by surprise, his shock would would keep him still just long enough for it to take effect.' She quickly decided on this idea and went out to get the equipment she needed.
2 hours later
"Finally I'm finished" she sighed in relief. She had created a pulley system inside of his bedroom so that the next time he goes to open his door, the pocket watch would drop down in front of his face, swinging gently. Now to wait for him to come home...

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