Jessie's Girl

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Your boyfriend bares concerning resemblance to Eddie which he can not help but notice.

Warning: Language, p in v penetration, fingering, teasing


You were excited, beyond excited. You were finally going to introduce the man you'd been seeing for a month to your best friend. "I don't know why you insist on being here." You huffed, giving Steve's other best friend- Eddie the side eye. "I just want to see the man that finally lived up to your standards." You rolled your eyes. From what you knew- Eddie hated your guts. He told Steve you were uppity, prissy, a snob though you'd never directed your attention towards him in such a manner. Steve would always defend you- considering you'd been best friends since you were very young.

You ignored the snide remark, your eyes shifting to the door upon the sight of your boyfriend. You stood up with a beaming smile. "Guess he's here." Eddie and Steve both turned around in the booth, Steve's jaw fell slack at the sight. He looked just like Eddie, the same beaten up leather jacket and dark ripped skinny jeans. The only difference in their wavy brown locks was the fact that your boyfriend had a blonde streak that fell just beside one of his cheeks. He bore the same deep brown eyes that you swore you hated. "Do you know who he looks like?" Steve nudged Eddie who couldn't help the bulging of his eyes. "Do you think he-" Eddie pointed to himself as you leaned up to give your boyfriend a kiss. "Duh!"

"Steve's my best friend- Eddie just came even though I told Steve he wasn't allowed and Eddie is a real-" You were cut off by another kiss. "I'm sure we'll be able to play nice." Jessie whispered, calming your every nerve. You nodded and gripped his hand, pulling him towards the table. "Steve. Jessie." Both of their mouths seemed to drop even further, his name now too similar for this to feel coincidental. "Close your mouths." You then instructed. Steve followed the direction though Eddie couldn't.

"Nice to meet you, man." Steve nodded. You and Jessie didn't find the similarities weird at all, neither of you seemed to notice they'd existed. "So- what do you do?" Steve tried to open up the conversation. Before Jessie could answer you did it for him. "He's in a band." Now Eddie leaned forward, looking far too interested for your liking. "A band?"

"Yeah, I play guitar, sing a little."

"Oh?" You hated the look on his face, the raising of his eyebrows with every word that left Jessie's lips. "It's how we met." Jessie nudged you. You leaned into the touch with a little laugh. "And then you-" You couldn't finish the sentence before you'd let out a laugh. "Well- clue us in." Eddie spoke up with a smug smile. "She came to my gig- completely alone. And she immediately stood out. I mean- what's a girl like her doing at a dead end bar on the wrong side of town?" He laughed and slung an arm around your shoulder. "I was looking for this little boutique that Jessica told me about- I only went in there for directions and then I heard him sing and I just-" You threw your hands up with a shrug.

"So I go up to her and-" And the pair of you are laughing, ignoring the clear discomfort of both Steve and Eddie who think you are far too coupley for your own good. The dinner went on as you'd expected, a little awkward- especially with the random digs that came from Eddie's direction. You kissed Jessie goodbye and headed back into the diner. "So?" You asked, waiting eagerly for the stamp of approval from Steve.

"He's- nice! So nice." Steve patted your arm. "You hate him. What happened?" Steve didn't want to have this conversation in front of Eddie who merely leaned back with that smug expression he always wore. "No! No. It's not that. He was nice." He shrugged. You huffed and stood up, grabbing your purse before bidding him farewell. "Are you mad at me?" Steve asked as you moved for the door. You ignored the question and moved along.

Eddie shot up to follow you out. "Don't-" Steve couldn't even finish his sentence. You leaned against your car with a deep breath. You really thought he'd like him. He was smart, charming- sure different looking from what you usually went for but Steve had gotten along with far worse, like Eddie. "You know if you liked me you could've just told me." Speak of the devil. "What?" You breathed.

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