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Steve rents a beach house for the summer, bringing you, Robin and his best friend who makes your life a living hell, Eddie Munson...

Warning: praise, degradation, begging, enemies to lovers, oral (male and female receiving), mentions of bullying and teasing, p in v penetration


"I'm telling you- we rented this big house right on the beach. The entire summer, just fun in the sun- carnivals- the beach-" Steve droned on and on, trying to convince you to run away to his beach house for the summer.

"Who's going?"

"Robin and Eddie." Steve admitted making your head cock to the side. He figured it best to be straight up than lie for you to come. "Oh. Then no." You went back to your doodling in your notebook. "Come on, Y/N! I won't survive without you!" Robin pleaded. "No." You hated Eddie Munson. Sure he was best friends with Steve, something you didn't really get. Steve was sweet, personable, a really nice guy once you got to know him and got past his initial cool-guy facade. Eddie was the opposite, always seeming to do what he could to piss you off- you secretly thought he got off on it. He had to of.

"Steve. I'm not spending my summer with that asshole." You should've known. "I'll tell him not to come. I'd rather have you there." Steve agreed. Robin's brows furrowed but you paid her confusion no mind. It was only about two weeks later when you'd hit the road, the drive was long. You were beyond grateful for Robin's company, the long drive taking even longer as you would make random stops based off of highway signs on the side of the road. Steve had already found his way there. You breathed a sigh of relief once you came upon the cute pastel blue house, hearing the sound of the ocean crash behind it. You took a deep breath as you left the car, stretching out all of your limbs.

You knocked on the door with a smile, pulling Steve in for a hug as you hadn't seen him in a week. A rustling sound from the kitchen broke you from your love fest. "Is somebody else here?" You asked. "Oh- No- must be the wind." You pushed past him to follow the source of the sound. "You're in for it now." Robin spoke under her breath. "Hey, Princess." The voice made your heart skip a beat. "Steve." You yelled only to find him right behind you. "He promised to behave." Steve threw an arm around your shoulders, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Eddie, his eyes flickering to the touch.

Eddie had only agreed to come on this trip with the promise that you'd be there. You were right, he got off on interacting with you. Any possible thing he could do to make you acknowledge him- he'd do. In Eddie's eyes, at least you were paying attention to him. He knew he could be a dick to you- he could be a dick to everyone but the reactions he got out of you made his stomach warm. Even when you were yelling at him he had a smile on his face. You usually thought this was the look of success that he had gotten under your skin, but all he could see was that you were focused on him- with the additive of furrowed brows and pursed lips- but still focused.

You shoved Steve's arm off of you. "You made me drive 6 hours and you lied to me?" You smacked his chest. "Ow- Yes. I'm sorry." He winced, dramatically rubbing the spot on his chest.

"I'll behave." Eddie broke apart your conversation, his mouth stretching into a grin. You didn't trust him- not one bit. "Steve." You immediately glowered at him. "He promised! It's going to be good. Right, Eddie?"

"Really good. Why don't you go put on that little red bikini I've seen you wear at the pool?"

"You're a pig." You were met with another grin. You huffed and turned around. "Steve! Show me to my room." Eddie watched as Steve scrambled out to your beck and call. "Would you give it a rest?" Robin flung a chip at him. It landed in Eddie's hair, who then ate it with a smile. After Steve talked you down you found yourself agreeing to stay for the minimum of a week, this was of course under the guise you'd hardly have to interact with Eddie. "And if you have a good week- you'll stay longer?" You contemplated it- you really did love the beach and the way Steve pitched this vacation had gotten to your head. "Fine."

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