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I could hardly sleep last night, besides Chris having another party, I just couldn't seem to turn off my brain. I almost went down there like four times but I stopped myself each time. I couldn't just let myself get attach to him like that. Sure he saved my life and now I'm helping him gain control of his life, but that was it. It was a fake relationship, he would never take me serious. I just couldn't allow myself to be that delusional. It took alot to keep myself in this room, but I did.

So this morning I spent a little longer getting ready, doing my hair and make up. Today we had to go out, it was to a suprise show for Usher and then we were gonna head to the club. So I decided to wear this cute fitted dress, some heel boots just one of them again, I had Chris' doctor change my cast to a pink color, I even wore a few of the accessories that Chris had got me. And to top off the look I had grabbed white designer purse. I had a lot of cleavage exposed but I'm sure Chris wouldn't mind. I was only taking this long because I was trying to avoid seeing him until it was time to go. That's what I've been doing for the last couple days, I've only seen him maybe twice and that was on accident.

I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, I just wanted to protect my heart in this. Because if I fall in love, what is he gonna do? He wouldn't even know what. Being around Chris in this short period of time I can see how many just flock to him and fall as fast as they do. He was just so infectious. I didn't want to have to bring my crutch so I just would make sure I didn't do too much movement. Plus Chris would be too busy to tend to me. As I'm spraying my perfume, I hear knocking on the door.

" Come in", I say softly, my heart racing a little because it was probably Chris.

But to my suprise it wasn't, it was Joe. I haven't seen him since he literally called me a user and Chris kicked him out. He still had that disgusted and disappointed look on his face as he looked me up and down. It made me uncomfortable with him looking at me like this. I swallow hard, during away from him trying to appear to be bored and not bothered by his presence.

" I can't lie... you clean up very nice", Joe says, touching my hair.

" Don't touch me", I say lowly, through closed lips as I look at him through the mirror.

" Its amazing how all this designer would have you looking so... irresistible ", He says licking his lips.

" Why are you in here?" I demand, glaring at him.

" Chris is ready to leave so he sent me to come get you since you're avoiding him", He says chuckling.

" Why would he say I'm avoiding him?" I ask him, turning around quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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