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They say when you become famous, all your dreams come true, and you no longer have any worries

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They say when you become famous, all your dreams come true, and you no longer have any worries. Because you have all you could ever want or even dream of. Literally everything I wanted was in my possession or I could go get it anytime I wanted to. Whoever told you that was a complete liar, and I should go smack the fuck outta them now. Sure I had money, fame, fortune,  all I could ever dream of. But I couldn't lie it was this void I just felt that was missing. I wasn't completely satisfied. 

Even with me being high as hell at this very moment, this Void still wasn't even filled. In fact it felt emptier. I just felt numb. It didn't hurt as bad but it was still there. I hated to attend these industry parties, my peers was fake as hell, they only used me to get number one hits, some of them solid, but I still would rather be at my house watching cartoons and eating cereal. The only Three reasons I was here number one My manager Joe Vazquez insisted I go, Number two I have the number one R&B album in the world at this very moment and number 3 my industry girlfriend Marley wanted to come to be seen.

Sure I was proud of my success with my album but I would have rather celebrated with my own friends instead of all these industry people.  I mean we were all in this one section, no one dancing, everyone on their phones, taking pictures instead of dancing and being in the moment.  I held in my hand a bottle of Patron and the other one held a blunt as I examined the scene I was in.

" How are you enjoying your night superstar?" Joe asks, practically yelling because the music was loud.

" I'm finna go", I say to him,  handing him the Patron.

" Go?! The party is just getting started Chris, you cant leave your own party", he says to

" I can and I am, Marley you coming?" I ask, looking over at my model girlfriend.

" No I'm gonna stay, " she says, hardly even
looking at me.

" Aight", I say to her, walking away from the section.

I heard Joe saying something but I just kept going, I even felt stares from the people in my section but I just kept walking. I didn't even care about this shit, I was just ready to go home.  I should've never even came in the first place. Shit was wack as fuck anyway from the moment I walked in. I go get my keys from the Valet and go find my Ferrari. I lived about 40 minutes away from this club which was another thing that kinda pissed me off because I'm wasting even more of my time..

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