The Falling

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All I was able to see was darkness. It was like I was falling into a pit, but at the same time I wasn't falling. I didn't know what was happening. My memories where lost and only a few of them were remaining. In the distance I was able to see a human shape, but it was unclear what he really was. Maybe he had the answers to what was happening. He got close to me, giving me a chance to ask him.

-Who are you?

-Who am I you say? I am the darkness that hides in the night, and the shadows created by the light

-Are you bad?

-That is a difficult question, because you have to answer me first. What is being bad? What is wrong and what is right? No one knows until is already too late.

-I don't know. Is it late for me?

-Why don't you ask your friend? He was the one that trusted you.

-...Where am I then?- (I asked quite strange by what he said. But moving on at the same time.)

-Some people know this place as Hell, others as Heaven, and others as The void. But in the end we are all in the same place. Welcome to Limbo my friend, where your nightmares are real and your dreams are only memories that in time will be forgotten.

That moment I felt this cold breeze coming down through my back. I was paralyze from the shock. Was I dead? Why? I still have so many question but by the time I was going to do them the man just vanished into the darkness, leaving a note that says.

"Only those that want the truth will find the answer. But what will the price be, only I have that answer. I decide who leaves this place and how will be punished for eternity. No one dies, because if that happens, there will be no fun."

I wanted to be free, but what he meant by, "Ask your friend". Why am I here? The moment I ask myself that, everything change. It was like I was being transported to another place. When I got to the place, there were a lot of other people in it. Or at least that's what I saw at first sight. Most of them where only people in agony, screaming for death, but not being able to die. I was scared, not knowing what to do I just started running. I saw a few people that where normal, and in all probability they were having the same problem as me. When I was running towards them, a hole appear out of nowhere and I wasn't able to do anything. Falling down the hole, I started having this flashback of my past. I saw I guy, probably my friend. But then my hands were cover in blood.

-It's all your fault. Her life, her blood is in my hands now.

-You were the only that came in a rampage. Telling me that I wasn't worthy of her, when we both know that you help me get her.

-I loved her too, if you didn't know that, now you do...

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