Chapter 1: Bank Robbers and New Teachers

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The robber walked up and down the room, keeping watch as his buddies cleaned out the vault. Even though it didn't show, he was nervous. He had heard the cops outside 15 minutes ago and they hadn't moved. But Troy told him to stay put and make sure none of the hostages played hero. He was so on edge that when an old man with thick glasses and a white mustache sneezed he turned right to him.

"What was that!?" the burglar yelled as he walked towards the man.

The old man looked startled to be noticed by sneezing. He opened and closed his mouth to try to answer.

While the robber continued to shout at the man a little girl, who had gotten separated from her parents, pressed herself farther into the wall. The scary man that was shouting was on the opposite side of the room but that didn't mean she liked it.

She squeezed her eyes shut and covered her ears, trying to block out the noise in vain. Suddenly, a hand landed on her leg. She almost squeal but when she saw the woman next to her smile at her comfortingly she shut her mouth before she could make a peep. The woman grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"Don't worry," the woman whispered as the scene across from them continued. "He won't hurt you."

The little girl played with the end of her pink dress.

"How do you know?" she asked, her voice still and small.

"Because I promise." the woman smiled as she slowly let go of the girls hand then leaned back into the darkness of the corner.

The woman took something out of her pocket and slide it over her face, the sides sticking to her temple to prevent it from falling. It was an ebony, lace mask.

She rose to her feet, drawing attention to herself as she made her way over to the man who now had his gun pointed at the old man. She walked soundlessly before stopping and tapping on the man's shoulder.

"Excuse me?" she asked with mock sweetness, but her voice was different.

It was more robotic, like the way a computer might talk if it had a voice.

The burglar turned around, finding that a fist was waiting for him.

"Oh, you little-" the man started but the masked woman cut him off.

"Nuh uh. There are children present," she wagged her finger at him. "You should know better, young man."

He swung at her clumsily, temporarily forgetting the weapon in his hand. She dodged his punch and ducked under his arm, ending up behind him.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to raise a hand to a lady?" she teased, her boot connecting with his back as she pushed him away from the civilians.

She didn't need them scared and injured.

"You ain't no lady!" he turned to face her.

"Can't argue with you there. You should see me on Taco Tuesdays. But I doubt they have those where you're going."

While she spoke he seemed to finally notice the gun in his hands.

"Oh no," she said, reading his expression. "That toy isn't for idiots who rob a bank and act like children."

In one swift move she grabbed the gun and banged him in the head with it, knocking his out.

"Do us both a favor and stay there." she said, tossing the gun down after taking out the bullets.

She stepped over his unmoving form and looked around. None of his friends had heard the fighting but they should be here soon for the yelling.

"Okay people, the police are outside so let's get you out before the others show up." she said, untying the security guard.

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