Chapter 9: Hidden Island

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We were currently parked on the hidden island while the jet was invisible to anyone who stood outside. Everyone was unbuckling their seatbelts but they stayed in their seats, waiting for Steve to tell us what to do.

"Alright, team," Steve started as he stood in front of us. "What were going to do is send in a small group of two people while the rest of us hang back. Our small group will sneak around to find the Tesseract while we cause a distraction to give them enough time to do so. Loki, Kat, you two are going in as our small group."

People started to protest, well, only Natasha and Logan really, as Loki and I made eye contact. Steve held up his hands to silence them.

"I know that the're new to the group, but that's good. They don't know how we bounce off of each other yet. But they're also very sneaky and cunning. They're our best bet."

No one argued with that. Steve handed us communicators to keep in contact with them. They showed Loki how to use his while I walked over to my duffle, grabbing the two sticks that lit up and stuffing one in my boot while the other was clipped onto my belt.

Then, I pulled out a quiver full of arrows and a gun. Those I gave to Clint and Natasha.

"You can keep those. I can always make new ones, besides, I don't use them. And a word of advice, don't touch the green part." I warned before heading over to Loki, who was waiting by the exit.

"Keep in touch." Cap reminded, tapping his ear.

We nodded before Tony lowered the platform for us. Logan caught my eye, sending me silent message.

Be careful.

Smirking, I tapped the side of my nose once to let him know to do the same. I followed Loki down the platform, it closed when we stepped off. Silently, we moved towards the opposite way our team would be heading soon.

They were going through the forest to make it look real while we crossed a stream that we saw before we landed. The stream was located on the side of the area where we saw campsites set up while the forest was behind it.

Loki and I made it to the stream without any problems. Quickly, we hid behind a cluster of bushes as I pressed the button on my communicator.

"We're in position," I reported, looking through the bushes at the campsite. "But..."

"What's wrong?" Steve questioned.

"It's deserted." I answered.

"They might be hiding or in their tents."

"No, it's not like that. It looks like it's been uninhabited for weeks, maybe even months."

"Come on." Loki stood up and started crossing the stream by walking on the rocks.

"We're getting a closer look." I informed them.

"Be careful."

"Rogers that." I joked, dealing with my confusion that way.

"Really? You're making jokes now?" he asked.

"Sorry, I saw an opportunity and I took it. Your name just has so many puns to it its comical."

"Right?" Tony butted in.

Loki and I were crouching behind more foliage, trying to get a better look at the area. There were no fires, not even smoke. It actually looked like everything was collecting dust from how long its been here.

"Are you positive we're in the right place?" Loki questioned, using his own communicator.

"This is what appeared on the maps when Jarvis located it." Tony answered.

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