Chapter 26: The Asgardian Queen

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Loki pressed his fingers to my temples, willing me to close my eyes and focus on my old memories that the Beast had recently shown to me. I allowed myself to travel back in time to very early memories that normal people don't even remember. I was a baby, being held in my mother's arms as she stood next to my father.

He sat in what would normally be called his office chair, Odin sitting before him in an equally important looking chair. You could tell that Odin was much, much younger in the memory. His scar that was shown, even with his eye patch on, was still fresh. This hinted that he had just found Loki not too long ago.

"What are you implying?" My father questioned Odin.

"I am suggesting an alliance. You have a daughter and I have two sons, either from which you may chose from."

"An arranged marriage?" My mother sounded confused at this; I was only a baby after all.

"Our kingdoms will be strong if we form a bond," Odin's face suddenly grew grim. "The Dark Elves and remaining Frost Giants are a nuisance to us all. Think of how we will be able to protect our people together."

My father seemed to be seriously considering it, but he turned to his queen.

"What do you think, my dear?"

"As long as our daughter likes him. And, as you said, we choose which of your sons gets to marry our daughter."

"Do we have an agreement?" Odin questioned.

My mother nodded to my father when he looked at her again before he accepted Odin's hand.

"It seems that we do."

The memory ended and I opened my eyes to see Odin looking somewhat startled. Maybe it was him being proved wrong. It could just as well be that fact that he had just seen two ghosts.

"Well?" I questioned, wondering what was going through his mind.

Odin sat up straighter, clearing his mind of the memory. "I must seek council with the queen."

"Of course." I nodded.

"Until then, you are welcomed in Asgard. My sons will show you around."

After being dismissed, I bowed again and made my way out of the throne room and down the hall, not breathing freely until I was around the corner.

"How are you feeling?" Loki questioned as we walked down the hall.

"Relieved, victorious, nervous, slightly scared."

"Do you still have doubts?" Thor asked.

"Not as much as before. Very little actually."

"Then why are you nervous and scared." Loki captured my hand again.

"Just the thought that we're finally getting somewhere with this whole ordeal. It's nerve racking."

"Then we will have to do something about that."

"Like what?"

"What do you usually do to, as you say, let off steam?" Thor cocked his head to the side as he asked me this question that they should fear the answer to.

I smirked...and they realized their mistake.


Metal clashed with metal...well...adamantium to be exact. Loki leaped back from my claws as I swiped his sword away from me. After we had changed into clothes more appropriate for fighting in, Loki and Thor introduced me to their training room. Let me just tell you one thing. Stark needed to update his own.

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