2 - Florence Through a Keyhole

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"Oh, cool, I guess..."

Sam gave him a confused stare, what did he want to gain from saying this? "No, I mean, uh..." Donatello's face looks as confused as Sam's.

"Basically, you know, how you need to travel to Italy for your research, thing, whatever. And that's coincidentally where I'm going...?" He tries to explain again, trying a different method this time.

"So what you're telling me is that I need to meet your family and pretend to be your boyfriend?" Sam finally concludes, if he was a machine, you could've heard actual gears turning. "Yes, precisely tha-"

"No, what do you think I am? Some sort of part time actor you can just hire anytime? I'm sorry, but I still have my own problems here."

"I'll pay for your ticket."

"...When are we going?"

"Like, in 4 hours..."

< >

Sam finally finishes packing his stuff into a neat suitcase his mom borrowed him when he was going to move out. After thinking twice, he really should've put more thought into this, instead of just deciding on the spot. But was he really gonna miss a free ticket to Italy? Of course not, never. After saying his farewells with the shocked Connie, he sets off.

Donatello had some business to do, since he's the dorm assistant, and told Sam to wait outside of the dorm. When he gets back he will fetch Sam. Well, he did say the plane was in a few hours. He must've waited really long for this opportunity, to finally be free from his work for a while. Wait a second, who the hell visits their family while writing a thesis? I mean, maybe he could be studying about something there, but why so far? Wait, shouldn't he be asking himself the same thing?

The sudden morning breeze from outside stops his overthinking. Gray clouds tower the city as a tiny speck of rainwater falls and settles on his nose. He was looking forward to the sun this morning, but oh well, he was going in Donatello's car anyways. As if hearing Sam's thoughts, his car suddenly appears at the end of the road. A white... Honda Civic? Maybe. He wasn't really keeping up with cars, but he ought to know that one at least.

Donatello stops the car in front of him, the back door directly facing him, reflecting a distorted version of his figure. Donatello steps out, his soft steps clacking on the concrete surface. He leads Sam and himself towards the trunk. As the door lifts up, Sam situates his green suitcase in place. They both then get into their respective seats in silence. They both weren't really the talkative types, utter silence sounded more full, accompanied by the soft bickers of the rain hitting the car. Unfortunately for Sam, he has some questions unanswered.

"Can I ask something?" His question went out of his mouth more whispery than loud. "Well I mean, sure? What is it?" Donatello stared at Sam, hazel eyes crawling through his surface.

"First of all, can I call you something else? Donatello seems too long for a name."

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, i didn't mean it like-" Sam's explanation is cut off with a small giggle from him. "I'm just kidding, call me whatever you want. If you want an option, people usually call me Donnie." Sam shows a playful frown.

"Like the ninja turtle?" He jokes. "Yes, like the ninja turtle."

"Okay so, Donnie. Why did you pick me exactly?" Sam throws his questions one by one. "...For what?" Donnie puts on a confused look. "For this trip? I mean, you sure you don't have any more girl friends to go with you?" He faces the front window, but his eyes travel to Donnie.

"Well, you needed a trip to Italy right? I have a spare ticket, so why not give it to someone?" He explained, glancing at Sam for a moment, as to not get his eyes off the road for too long. "What about the whole family thing though?"

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