4 - S & D

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Sam's head bangs continuously as he keeps trying to lean on the taxi window. Flocks of sunlight escape the heavy window protector and rests on his skin. Donnie had reserved a hotel room for them, so as to not immediately go to his parent's and shock Sam. The taxi speeds through the city of Florence, while an unfamiliar tune plays from the radio. He didn't understand anything said by the singer, but the taxi driver was enjoying it. Donnie resumes his book, almost at the end of the story. Sam glances over to him, and his gaze lands on Donnie's face again.

"You never put that book down, huh?" He comments.

"Mm, no, not really. Unless you want my attention, then just ask." Donnie puts his bookmark on a page he's holding, and sets it aside to move closer to Sam. This man really knows how to give him so many butterflies. Trying to hide his flushed face, Sam continues the conversation.

"Well, I do need someone's attention right now." He giggles, leaning closer into him.

"Then, how can I assist you, my dear?" Donnie cups Sam's chin, slowly closing the distance between them. Wait, wait, this is going too fast.

"Think of it as a practice before meeting my parents." He assures Sam as if he can hear his mind. But before actually touching skin, the taxi runs over a bump on the road, and Sam gets sent flying back into his area.

The massive amounts of sleepless nights has probably just hit him, as he tries to keep himself from throwing up in the taxi.

"Excuse me, excuse me." The driver says in an Italian accent that Sam can almost figure out. Donnie says something back in Italian, probably something nice. Sam probably needed to learn at least some Italian first before coming here, but it is what it is. He still has a huge migraine that he has to care for.

"You okay?" Donnie adjusts his seat.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Sam dismisses him, reaching out to his bag for a bottle of water. Though truthfully, he is very grateful for that bump, things were getting very out of hand and their 'situationship' is in its very early stages. A kiss on the first day would be terrifying.

< >

Finally, they arrive at their hotel. It was nothing very grand, a quite nice and secluded building almost out of town. Sam picks up their luggage from the trunk as Donnie shuffles his wallet to pay the driver. They both say their 'thank you's before Donnie approaches Sam again. He takes his respective suitcase and attaches his free hand to Sam's, before going in together. The hotel was very classy inside, their reflections can be seen in the cracks of marble on every pillar they go by. Sam can hear sounds of water splashing nearby, from a swimming pool maybe?

"Wanna go for a swim after?" Donnie looks around to locate the pool, before diverting his eyes back to Sam.

Pools were Sam's nightmare, since Sam didn't really like getting wet in general. But maybe he could at least try this for once.

"If you'd accompany me, then of course." Sam replies, with a cheeky smile on his face. "Why wouldn't i accompany my boyfriend on a pool date?" He laughs.

"Already calling me boyfriend?" Sam chuckles, getting a shrug from Donnie. "Why not? You are a boy, you are my friend, boyfriend!" Donnie smiles at him, like he knows the power he has over Sam that makes him weak in the knees everytime he sees that damn smile.

Donnie goes up to the hotel cashier and grabs their hotel key. He smiles at the cashier and gives them something like a 'thank you'. Donnie chuckles while looking at Sam.

"Did you understand anything I said?" He asks him. "...Nope." Sam answers his doubts.

"I really should teach you some Italian." He chuckles, interlacing both their hands together. They enter the quite spacious elevator and Donnie clicks the button to the 9th floor. The speaker plays a peaceful tune, filling the otherwise quiet elevator. This feels intimate, just Sam and Donnie holding hands in an empty room, he felt safe.

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