|1. Royal life |

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Tsukasa POV:
Whenever I was younger, I was always so happy. I loved being royal because everyone was so nice to me and treated me like some kind of god. As I grew though, I realized they only were nice to me because of my parents.

You see, my parents were known to give out harsh punishments that if carried in for too long, could result in death. Those punishments came if:
A, your job around the palace was not done correctly
Or B, if you disrespect someone of a higher class than you or if you disrespect my family.

I started to hate my family a bit for this, but they were always fine personally so I didn't butt in.

The day I turned 18 was when I really started hating my family. I was forced into marriage. My parents said it was 'because we need to carry on the royal family.' Apparently, I would've been allowed to choose my own partner, if I wasn't gay.

I had come out to them a few years ago and they were all supportive, but they needed to force my marriage because I 'couldn't marry a man before a woman'. That was just their way of saying that I needed to have kids AND THEN I could marry who I wanted, but I felt terrible. Having kids with a girl and then abandoning her for a man? That doesn't sound like the best thing to do.

I practically lived in my room. Only coming out if something important happened, or if I was visiting somewhere.

My favorite place to be though, was the gardens. It was beautiful. Roses, daisies, lilacs, anything you could thing of. There's even a pond that gives a home to underwater plants!

The place was truly beautiful. I love just sitting there and getting lost in thought. It felt magical, but sadly I wasn't there currently. I was in my room. A servant had knocked on my door and informed me that breakfast was ready.

I got dressed to look presentable and went downstairs to greet my family.

When I got to the dining room, my parents were already seated and my sister was also just walking in.

"Good morning!" My sister and I said in unison.

"Good morning dears." Our parents replied.

We sat down at our spots and the chefs came to give us our food.

We ate in silence until my parents spoke up.
"Tsukasa, we've arranged your marriage. It will be in 8 months so you have time to find a better lady if you wish."

"Onii-Chans getting married?" Saki questioned.

"What if I want to find a man?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"You can but you are not marrying him. We will force your marriage open so you can date him with no troubles, but there is no way in hell you are marrying a man." My father says.

I was at least happy they would let me date a man but not being able to marry the one I love annoyed me.

"Okay.." I continued eating.


I had finished eating and decided to go to the gardens. I put on some clothes I didn't mind getting dirty and left to the ever so beautiful place I love.

Once I was out there I had sat down on one of the benches that sat at the border of the garden.

I observed the garden and all it's beauty, I also took my sketch book out there so that I could draw a few thing to get the marriage off my mind.

While I was looking I noticed a boy taking care of the flowers. He had a palace uniform on so I knew that he worked here, but I had never seen him before. That was a bit strange because I know everyone that works in the palace. Well, almost everyone.

I observed the boy a bit more;

Lilac hair with two cyan stripes, a choppy but well pulled off haircut, the palace uniform and beautiful golden eyes.

I look down to my sketch book so far. 'Almost empty..' I thought to myself. Aside from the small flower drawings in the corner, it was empty. I decided to make up for the empty space by drawing the gardener boy.

His face shape is pretty simple; soft jawline with a not oval but not circle shaped head, ears lined up with his eyes and a small nose.

His body was a bit harder. I decided to do him in a pose where he's kneeling down to smell one of the flowers. I made a body sketch just off to the side first so I know how his body is shaped, but that's what I was currently struggling on. His shape isn't masculine, but it isn't feminine either. It was sort of in between.

His figure was masculine shoulders but instead of a sharp edge, he has a more soft and rounded shoulder. His torso isn't extremely feminine like an hourglass, but it also isn't extremely masculine like.. I guess you could say... I'm not sure but his shoulders aren't as broad and his body isn't as.. sharp I guess you could say.

I struggled a lot on the figure of his torso but eventually stuck with something that looked good enough.

His legs were pretty easy; they were basically just sticks, no shape to them whatsoever. Although that didn't look very good so I added a bit of shape to his thigh and calf.

I finished with the sketch on the side and decided to start the real sketch. Every now and then when I went to look up at him to see his hair or details on his body, we would make eye contact and he would panic. To avoid awkwardness, I just looked back down and relied on what my eyes said I saw.


About two hours went by. It was 12:32pm and now it's 2:41pm. I had just finished up the details and it was just about done. I took myself away from the paper and looked at it. It was perfect to anyone else, but there were a few imperfections that I instinctively went to fix immediately. By this time the boy was pretty close to where I was sitting. He was taking care of the rose bushes which act like a boundary with all the smaller flowers in front of them.

I personally thought that they were absolutely beautiful. I had fixed the imperfections and closed my sketch book. I had put the book in a book bag along with the pencil and eraser I used. I stood up and cracked my back. I took my bad into my hand and walked through the pathway clear of flowers.

I walked back into the palace and into my room. I placed the stuff down on my bed and took a seat at my desk. Saki had asked me to make her a dress so that's what I continued as I walked in. She had given me a photo of what she wanted it to look like and gave me a deadline to finish it by.

I was aware that I was overworking myself but I needed to get this stuff done.


I had been working for god knows how long now. I had only taken a break for dinner and then went back to work. I checked the time.
'1:03am' I finished the stitch I was on and left the unfinished dress on my desk.

I moved my book bag off of my bed and got dressed into more comfortable clothes. I opened up my sheets and crawled into bed. I slowly succumbed to the sleepiness and drowsiness that eventually took over my body and I blacked out.

Word count: 1304


A/N: I have to re write 'I'm sorry' and I'm going to be doing this ASWELL AS my oneshots book. Uhhh if u wanna request something on the oneshots u can but there's no guarantee I'll do it unless u practically scream it in my face. Anyway luv u guys❤️ bye

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