|2. The Ever so beautiful place I love |

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Tsukasa POV:
I had woken up in my bed earlier this morning, but my body had kicked all the covers off of myself. I was shivering considering it was about 4 in the morning in the dead of winter. There was also rain pounding against my window. I get up and put on some warmer clothes.

I realized that I had blacked out with my curtains open. When I went over to close them I saw the same boy taking care of the flowers again. Even though I was so far away I could make out his shaking body from my window.

I take my umbrella and a spare and go to put some shoes on. I go outside into the gardens and find the boy. He was cold and drenched. I gently tap him on the shoulder and he turns to look at me.

"Huh?- Ah! Your majesty!" He said looking stressed.

"It's too cold to be out here, not to mention it's raining," I hand him the umbrella. "Use this and go back inside. Take a shower while you can and get some sleep."

I walked away and I heard him call a quick "thank you your majesty!" Before I went back inside.

I shook off my umbrella and walked back to my room. I understood why he was out there, every job in the palace starts at 4am whether your job is outside or inside. It also didn't matter if it was raining or cold, you had to go out to tend to your job. Unless a royal themselves told you to go back inside or do something else, you were stuck doing that job in the pouring rain.

I never understood why my parents made that rule. I found it stupid having to get up and go out into the pouring rain, but my parents being my parents didn't care about the safety of comfort of their workers. They only cared about the palace (and themselves) and it's appearance.

I decided since I was already up, I'd take a shower and get dressed into something more comfortable.


I finished showering and got dressed. I wasn't tired anymore so I decided to continue working on the dress Saki has asked me to make. It was quite an intricate design with a long train and a flowing skirt. There was only one strap on the shoulder and the other side went around her chest. I had the dress on a mannequin so I could see how it would fit on Saki.


I'm not sure how long has passed but while I was working, someone had knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I yelled.

"Your breakfast is ready your majesty." I hear a voice through the door.

"Okay, thank you." I reply as I finish off the stitch I was on. I stick a pin on the dress and mannequin so that the dress doesn't fall off and I go get dressed. That was the 3rd time this morning I had gotten dressed.


As I went down to the dining room, I saw Akiyama talking to the gardener. I give Akiyama a quick wave and they wave back. The other boy turns around and look surprised. I turn back to continue walking and I can hear their voices getting further away until I can't hear them anymore.

I entered the dining room to see my parents just getting seated.

"Good morning Mama, papa." I say as I sit in my spot.

"Good morning Tsukasa." My father says.

"Good morning honey." My mother says.

It was only about a minute later that Saki came down.

"Good morning!" She said in a cheery voice as she sat in her seat.

"Good morning Saki." My father and I say at the same time.

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