Chapter 12: Ear Plugs*

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"Finally!" I groaned, glad to stop the act and finally stop being a jackass. Serena hurried over to her friends to untie them and made sure they were okay

"Why are you asking us that?! Are YOU okay?!" Trevor asked

"I'm fine, Trevor. Calm down" she said in her cool tone that relaxes my mind after being mind controlled

"Okay..." he calmed down and glared over at me "Hey! Battle me for real this time! Don't pull that cheap shot like earlier and fight me like a man!" I removed my glasses and sighed

"I'm not interested in battling" I said

"You were the one that-" Shauna patted his shoulder to stop him before coming to face me

"Was this all an act?" She asked me "What kind of demoralization is this that you had Serena tied up like a sex slave with all those hickys on her neck like you're some vampire" I hid my blush by looking away "Why didn't you tell us this was an act?"

"That was my fault" Serena waved her hand "I was going to tell you after telling you everything about Team Flare's plan, but my phone died. Sorry!"

"And using the holocaster is out the question since it uses data to store trainers personal information" I explained "It's best to not use it for now. If you were smart, you'd tell your other friend about this soon. I implanted a bug into the system to keep the Ulimate weapon from firing sooner. The plan was to wait for Lysandre to arrive so we can find the source of power of this weapon and stop it"

"Source of power?" Shauna asked

"You expect us to believe you?!" Trevor glared "You expect me to believe you after what you put Serena through?!"

"I was wrong to have done what I did before to her, and I apologize" I said "I only did it for her protection. It's not a good excuse, but-" Trevor looked like he was about to punch me before his hand was forced back

"Serena!" Trevor gasped at her holding her hand out to stop him "What are you doing?! Don't you remember the abuse you went through in Frost Cavern?!"

"If I was seriously hurt, I wouldn't be so willing to be with him, Trevor" she released him to come and hug my arm "He's my boyfriend now" she smiled proudly, shocking him

"Are you insane...? Did you not hear what I just said?" Shauna got in between us again

"Oh Serena... you lovesick fool" she sighed "I always found it strange how you were lovey dovy when it came to Calem, and you went as far as to bring him to our side"

"What?! I call bullshit!" Trevor shouted

"It's true!" Serena smiled "we promised each other as kids that we were going to marry, so I made sure he stuck to his word! There was no way I was going to lose him to something like this! His vibrations have potential, and I was drawn to his power for a very long time"

"Calem has abilities?" Shauna gasped

"This isn't the time. Now that Lysandre is here, we can go in to find the source of energy as soon as possible. He would be the only one to have access to the secret room via passcode and finger print. No time to lose" I approached the elevator for it to open "Luckily this suit has access to the base doors" Serena cheered and hurried to follow me inside, followed by Shauna as well

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