Chapter one

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First day of school after autumn break. I was somewhat disappointed and excited. Like I miss the holidays, and I'm tired to go to school again, but excited to go to school again, you know? My twin brother Jake and I were being driven to school by our chauffeur (Stanley). Yes, we have one, our parents are pretty rich and they are mostly on work or business trips.

Anyways, while we were in the car, I got a rather creepy message (the prologue).  And Jake got the same one! But we laughed it of. 

Until we heard that our whole class got the message! That honestly freaked me out, and I think some others were kinda scared too. But then our teacher came, and I forgot about it.

"Welcome back students, how was the holidays! Well today, I got to run some errands, so you will all have to complete chapter 1-7 until I come back. Mr. Defazio will come soon, ok?" She said. And Mr. Defazio was a grumpy old man who barley looked at us but was watching moves on his computer. Suddenly the whole class got a text! From the same number! This is what it said:

FIRST TASK:                                                                                                                                                                                 Role number 7 and role number 6 needs to kiss.

Dillian quickly got the role out and checked which number was six and seven. Turns out it was Faye Reyes, one of the most confident kids in our class, and Ryan Blanchard (A rather quiet kid). "Well you don't have to do it," Dillian says as Ryan was a red as a tomato. "Kissing Ryan? Why not!" Faye says and she walked up to him and gave kissed him! That really surprised me, who would have known?

Our phones beeped again.

Good job, the next task will be sent tomorrow.

WTF! My heart quickened. How did it know? Or rather, how did they know? Everyone else looked pale as well. "I don't think this is a scam anymore guys. This is really creepy, but we can't tell anyone else ok? We'll just keep this as our secret. If we get another message, then we will figure it out in break tomorrow." I said as calm as I could, but I was shaking. Everyone just nodded, I think they were all too shocked to speak. Then our teacker came and we continued the day as normal. 

But it wasn't normal. I couldn't get any sleep that night, and Jake, one of the most loudest people I know, barely said a word the whole day.

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