3 way marriage

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The 3 boys to through hell to get married in this world and they did but you know marriage have there ups and down but in this relationship it's over some stupidest shit u can imagine. Yoongi was done with it and decided to have some fun instead but oh boy that was mistake.

Request by: minyoonjidrama



Yoongi wake up by yelling and noises "again" Yoongi sigh and get out of bed he was wearing a shorts and a long t-shirt he went down stairs to see what it was that cause this fight.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH U" Jungkook yelled Taehyung rise his hand about slap Jungkook but Yoongi run between them and stop them "Stop this fighting please am tired of it" Yoongi say with saddest in his voice they turn to Yoongi right a way but Yoongi stop them "Don't touch me" Yoongi say he walk out "U need guys need to stop everyday.. really?" Yoongi was disappointed"fix it"

Was all Yoongi say but second later arguments"am done I need a break those two a dumb and they going to ruin this marriage with their stupidness just to forget over it" speak of the devil of needed a break



"Come to the club with me"

It wasn't a question at all

"Can't u know what this two will be like"

"Don't care and it's the club u need a break and I need one Jin is going to make me die"

Yoongi laugh to that 'look like am not the only got relationship problems'

"K I be there"

"Great meet u soon"



oongi was making a plan since it was already night fall he need a plan really quick.

Yoongi go down stairs see once a fight happen Yoongi roll his eyes "this shit am down"

"What is wrong with seeing you guys like hurt mi, so fucking much u don't see it u know what don't talk to me tell u guys fix this shit got don't come into this room I ant to sleep alone" Yoongi with tears on his eyes run off to the room and shut the door.

Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other "this your fucking fault" Jungkook say "what this your flaut" Taehyung spit back at this time if u ask what they were fighting for u wouldn't get no answer but one thing for since they both Mafia they fight over Dom and who strongest stupid right.


Yoongi was in the room getting change "what should I wear?" Yoongi question him self then he see a text pop up.

If you dear wear anything that is not club like then am leaving u..

"Shit okay about this" Yoongi pick out a mesh crop top and shorts and for the shoes it's black he but a bracelet on his foot and his hands he look in mirror "good"

He see a flash light shining to his window "oh his here gotta go" Yoongi went to the window and climbed out of it


Yoongi and Ho-seok was at an club,Yoongi know the rules and he know if his husbands find out not only he would be in very much trouble and getting punished from his husbands he would be banded from going outside their excuse was "what if one of our enemy find u" and they will spank him ridiculous I know.

Yoongi was having the time of his life while dancing and drinking he kinda lost Ho-seok along the way don't know and know care.

"Hey beautiful" Yoongi was drunk and his idea of having fun and plus drinking Yoongi was not in his right mind and he know he shouldn't do this and go find Ho-seok ho abandoned him when he was the one who drag him here.

"Am talking to baby" the guy come closer and Yoongi was a hot mess his ruling with iit

"I know" Yoongi say taking up his glass and gave a sip

"So you ignored me" Yoongi shrug forget he even have a husband more else two, they argue a lot the time ignore him what u expect.

Yoongi shrug and paying the hot man attention "okay, I see you... How about one dance and I be on my way" Yoongi mind at time was "if that the only way for u to leave me alone then"

Yoongi place his drink down so dose the man.


What Yoongi didn't know was this club own by his husbands and let just say they got meeting their to make pease with his enemy allowed then to be on their territory for one night only. What also Yoongi didn't know was that the bartender was a lady and she work for taekook, she also have to follow the rules especially when it comes to Yoongi and she knows he not suppose to be here at this hours.

Jungkook and Taehyung walk into the club from the back cause why not the line is long , they walk to the VIP area were a man dress in all black waiting.

"Your st club and dress like that" Jungkook say lighting joke to the room "don't feel like to mingle with these whore and faggot you see" Taehyung didn't like that not at all, especially when Yoongi use to be one of them (in another club they own)

"Don't disrespect my girls" Taehyung say very seriously the man stop smile (knowing very well that in THIS club the guys wanna be call girls) and seated back on the red couch "let get to business shall we" by this time Jungkook know there won't be no peace sigh and rise his hand for the bartender

Yes u know it the bartender wrote down on an paper Jungkook was confused till he read it "WHAT THE FUCK" Jungkook yell out Taehyung see that and goes to kook "what is it" even if he doesn't want to talk to Jungkook his still his husband... Right? Even tho he married Yoongi.

Jungkook give him the paper and walk out the the main center with Taehyung follow "we deal with this later" all Jungkook say sign his hands for his men to lead the man out.

Jungkook goes to the stage "Yoongi. Where the fuck are you"

Yoongi never in his life turn around so fast his neck creak "ah" what Yoongi was scared of was on stage and the light goes on Yoongi Yoongi see Ho-seok sign him to 'lets make a run for it' while Taehyung was walking to him with a face 'if you dear' and Jungkook finished it for him 'it will get worse'

"Am dead"


Oh and Ho-seok get punishment spanking and no Jin food for a week the cruelty, Yoongi spank and can't walk that boy gonna he in bed for the week shame I know 😔



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